Life Lessons


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

For Rent

Well the "For Rent" sign was only up for four days.  I wish I didn't feel like "Oh brother, here we go again." but I know how it goes for the most part.  I just hope whoever it is doesn't have kids.  I don't mind the noise of children, it's a sound I'm quite used to, I'm just concerned about psycho pants and her loud potty mouth in the apartment next door to them. :)  Although my impromptu concert when she started screaming at the top of her lungs on Sunday did shut her up. 

Sunday Mr. Landlord was here several times, he had some dude with him, and I am assuming that's who's moving in.  He also came back in the evening and spent quite a bit of time in the apartment across the way with Vi, then he knocked on psycho pants door and then left.  I'm always glad when it's not me, because, as we have discussed, he creeps me out.  Weeeeeeeelllllll...... Right before I went to bed I walked out into the entryway to put a Netflix in the mail, turned around and saw a note on my door.  That son of a bitch is raising my rent by seventy five dollars.  He didn't even have the decency to call, or knock on the damn door while he was here. 

The note says some bs about expenses, taxes, etc etc.  Come on.  We all know it's because you don't want to fix the electrical problems in this building.  So now you've split the cost between me (works full time, heat at 68, no a.c. and hates fans) and the elderly lady next door. (home full time, on oxygen, heat at 80, and ac running constant in the summer)  Yep, that seems fair.  NOT  Can I do anything about it?  Other than piss and moan, no.  I've watched him work over the years, and if I say a word the rent will climb higher. 

It's a good thing I got new tires on the car, I"m going to be driving it for the rest of my life. 

I didn't want to move until I got my financial self all straight and was making a permanent move, not a move to another apartment.  I could move back to Homecroft and buy the trailer from xhub, but I hate that trailer.  It would be about half the expenses though.  I can't do anything right now, other than the above mentioned piss and moan, because I'm to angry and need to be smart. 

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