Life Lessons


Sunday, June 3, 2012


I guess I am not newsworthy.  Meaning I am not worthy of receiving a Sunday paper.  I'm sure I've done a few things that could at least make page five. :) 

First off I have to apologize to my neighbors, whom I thought were sneaking off with my ads.  After all, it's the ads and the crossword that I'm really after.  I get most of my news online, or from the television.  Turns out it was the colossal incompetence of the circulation department at the Duluth News Tribune........again. 

That statement may seem harsh, but I went for years without a paper because of this kind of thing, and now here we go again.  When I moved here five years ago I thought it would be nice to have the paper.  I had no interest in dating, so that's a good way to waste away part of a long drawn out Sunday.  Then  I started seeing someone out of town, and  I was gone every weekend.  I  found that I had no time to catch up with the paper during the week, when it was actually delivered, that is.  I thought the neighbors were grabbing it since I was obviously not there, shrugged it off, and cancelled the paper because they could pay for their own!

A couple of months later the relationship ends, and I'm home on the weekends again.  Every now and then a random Sunday paper shows up, but I don't really think anything of it, until a bill for fifty-some dollars shows up too.  Pardon?  So I call and they tell me I never cancelled.  I ask them if I never cancelled where the heck have most of the papers been??  Long story short, they finally asked me if I knew who I spoke with, like I'm going to remember that, and I said, "I don't know, some guy."  The reply was "Oh, ok.  We'll take care of that bill."  So apparently "some guy" had been screwing a few things up.

Now we'll rewind to a year ago.  I decided that I would try again to have the paper delivered on Sundays, but I would be keeping a close eye on their monkey business.  I'm now on a month to month payment plan that I can yank at any time.  I told them about my past problem with neighbors snagging the paper, and that I want it delivered INSIDE the building AT my door or no deal.  That actually lasted for a few months......... anyway, it went fine for about a year.

It started innocently enough.  They bill my debit card once a month, and the card expired, so of course they weren't able to charge me.  I got the paper, but also a letter in the mail.  I sent them the correct new information and thought that was that.  A week later I got another letter, same as the first.  Checked my online banking.......yep, they've billed me......must have just crossed in the mail.  The weekend arrives, and I'm out of town.  I come home Sunday evening to no paper.  Hmmm......  Now, here we are again.  Did a neighbor snitch it?  Did the DNT not deliver it?  Arg!  So Monday morning I called them, explained the billing part and that I had been out of town so I wasn't sure if it was a snitched paper, or a problem I needed to handle.  The gal was very nice, told me things were all straight billing wise, probably a snitched one, but she would credit me and send another one out.  Very nice change from what I had dealt with years ago! 

Then the next weekend the same thing.  It was Memorial weekend, and I ended up out of town again and didn't get back until Monday afternoon.  No paper.  I shrugged that one off as neighbors.

 I woke up at 7am this morning, ran out my front door to get there paper.  I thought maybe I was too early, so I went back to bed.  9:30 a.m.  no paper.  Called the Duluth News Tribune and was told that  "On May 27 (last SUNDAY?) there was a vacation hold placed on your paper.  It says you would call when you got back to town."  I did manage to curb my WTF to just "WHAT?"  So.........  here I sit, sippin on vanilla nut coffee, waiting for my replacement paper.  To read after dinner.  Instead of after breakfast when I WANTED to.

Hopefully they will get their stuff straight, or we'll be parting ways again.  :(  Your move DNT. 

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