Life Lessons


Saturday, June 30, 2012


I had a whole blog thought out about some relationship stuff, things that pertain to me specifically, but could certainly be of use to someone else.  Then I came across this little gem, and it really says it all.

Relationships should NEVER reduce who you are, what you think, what you feel, or how you express yourself.  People who really love you will do so for who you are, not for who they would like you to be.  They will raise you up, to watch you soar with pride, and never try to hold you back.

This is probably the best thing to pass along to any young women out there.  BE SELFISH.  I don't mean be in a relationship for what you can get out of it financially, or to run roughshod over some poor unsuspecting clod. :)  I mean never lose yourself.  It's something I have been guilty of to many times to count.  It's easy to morph into what someone thinks you are, or should be.  Mostly you don't realize it's even happening until it's to late. 

This is probably the biggest thing I have struggled with over the years, but I think I've got it.  After having so much "me" time over the last...... oh, year and a half I guess, I finally know who I am.  Me, as an individual, not Me as part of a couple.  It's funny, because I am really good at accepting and celebrating people for who they are, especially in a relationship, but I never gave that respect to myself.

I don't know who to credit, but I see this one all over the place. "Take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away."   I've come a LONG way baby!

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