Life Lessons


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Goodbye 42

Some people measure their personal progress from year to year on January 1.  That's when they pull out the resolutions and make promises to themselves that they almost never keep.  I like to track my progress from year to year on my birthday, or usually the day before.

So here we are on my last day of being 42.  I spent some of the morning with my brother, watching his son play football.  They finally had an eleven o'clock game.  Auntie doesn't drag herself out of bed on a Sat for early morning football.  That is just not going to happen, but it is an absolutely beautiful fall day!

I saw my oldest niece with her own football team, selling concessions.  "Got any money?  I'm starving."  See, I don't even have children, yet I still lost my last two bucks. :)  I did manage not to embarrass her by taking pictures in front of the guys on her team, but I so wanted to.  We had a nice walk and chat.  It's nice to be able to meet her on (almost) equal ground now.  She stopped by the office yesterday to pick up some things and did ask when they could sleep over, so she hasn't quite outgrown me yet..... it's the first thing the little ones always ask.  Then she drove away.  It's going to take some time for me to get used to that.

This year has been a huge one for me.  I took the time to "figure out who I am".  Which isn't as deep as it sounds.  I set priorities, made some big changes, met some interesting people, rekindled old friendships, and did a lot of writing.  I have spent a lot of time on my own, figuring out the "why" behind my actions and correcting things when need be.  I have put a lot of endings to chapters in my life that needed them, and started a few new ones. 

I have had a few crazy adventures, and some disappointments and heartache, but that's life.  All in all the good has far out weighed the bad.  Plus I really genuinely like and enjoy spending time on my own.  I like who I am, and I accept that I'm never going to be perfect, or a few other things.  I am what I am, and I ain't changin' for anyone but me.

So it's a bittersweet good-bye to 42.  Look out 43, here I come!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cold Snap

 I have been waiting for what seems like forever for the temps to cool down around here, and they finally have.  This week has been gorgeous with highs of sixty and lows in the high thirties.  Leaves are turning, my allergies are acting up worse than I can remember, and I'm no longer roasting!  All summer long I complained about the heat.  It was a really long, hot summer around here, with a dollop of humidity thrown in for good measure.  This northern flower  could never survive down south.  When I ask people who live in warmer climates  how they deal with it, the answer is always air conditioning.  Don't you people ever go outside??  Not for me.

Now we reach the "be careful what you wish for" portion of today's blog.  Last Tuesday I tried the furnace, just to take the chill out of the apartment, and to see if it was working.  Oh you know it, nothing.  So I left a message for the landlord.  "Not an emergency as it's still fairly warm, but needs to be taken care of."  Then I called him back on Thursday and actually got him. 

Me: Did you get my message at the shop?

Landlord: Nope, been out of town.

So I 'splained the problem....

Landlord: That's a newer furnace, I'll give the guy a call who put it in.

Me ( In my head)  Are you on drugs?  I have been here for six years and it wasn't new when I got here.  PLUS you have never had it cleaned or checked.  (out loud) Ok, thanks.........

So then we roll around to this week, and one of the night time temps in the meantime was 25 degrees.  Granted, I didn't spend that night at home, but the apartment has cooled down to 60 now.  So I call him back on his cell on Monday and get to leave another message.  Tuesday my phone rings.

Landlord:  Is this number the person looking for a job?


Landlord: *chuckles* Oh, yeah.  Want the good news? 

Me:  Sure......

Landlord:  It's going to be warm for the next couple days.

Me:  Very funny.

Landlord:  I'll call the guy and we'll get it fixed for you hon.

Me: (out loud) thanks.  (In my head) So you haven't even called the guy.  You lousy S.O.B.  If this isn't fixed by next week I'm going to go into the shop and pay my rent in person on Tuesday.  THEN you'll be sorry! OH, and STOP CALLING ME HON.

I know that I can't withhold a rent payment.  You lose in court every time if you do.  So I will go and write his check and inform him that he has one week to fix it, or I will report him to whomever you report these slumlords to, and you don't want me to do that, because if it takes up my time and irritates me I WILL make it worth the effort.  I also think it's time to get an electric heater, as he is now the one responsible for the electric bill. 

So, for the record, I am not complaining about the cold.  It's only a little rough after I get out of the shower.  My electric blankie works, and I have lots of warm clothes to snuggle up in.  I'm complaining because I have to deal with the landlord, and I do try to avoid that at all costs!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ride 'em Cowgirl

I had the most awesome surprise today!  Hmm.... lets see, I will start the story at the beginning instead of popping back and forth at random. :)

One upon a time I was having a conversation with my friend "Officer Dave" who lives out in Wyoming.  I like to call his town Mayberry, because...... it is.  There are something like nine hundred people who live there, and everything is two hours away, including The Walmart. 

We were talking about some dating issue I was having (shocker) or some such nonsense and he said to me. "Why don't you come out to Wyoming.  There are plenty of rich ranchers, I'm sure you could snag one!"  My response was probably, "No one wants to live in Wyoming."

Talking about cowboys made me think of my bucket list, which actually only has four things on it at this point.  One of these things just happens to be getting a cowboy of a real cowboy. (Weird, I know.  The other three things have nothing to do with men.)  Officer Dave said he'd buy me one and send it out, and I said NO that defeats the whole purpose.  It has to come off of the head of a REAL cowboy. 

So over time there has been much bantering back and forth about cowboy hats.  White?  Black?  Just what exactly would you be willing to do to get this cowboy hat?  ( no probably not........probably......)  We'll never know the answer to that one though, because today a package arrived in the mail!

A box?  I didn't order anything........

A box from Officer Dave?  Oh, how sweet.  Must be an early bday gift.  I was totally clueless, and taken by surprise.  Not one, but TWO REAL COWBOY HATS!   One black, one kind of off white, both very used and muddy which proves they are real.  I laughed and laughed and laughed, and then took pictures. 

I would really like to know one thing.  What did he have to do to get them??????????  LOL

He's older, so his birthday is first this week.  I can't top the cowboy hats, so I will just take this opportunity to wish one of my very best friends the best birthday and year of his life!!  May everything you wish and hope for come true my friend, you are the BEST! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Proud Auntie

Well, I guess its no secret (nor has it ever been) that I'm proud of my Goovers.  They are all unique and special in their own way, but the red headed one, well........she's just something else.

Ash got her drivers licence today!  I'm sure now that they are all out in the country her parents are glad she can cart her own behind to and from all of these high school activities.  So, of course I was proud of that.  Then the phone rang.

Dude: Need to leave a message, my name is spelt...

Me: I know how to spell your name, I used to babysit your kids a hundred years ago!

Dude:  Hey!  How are you?

Me:  Good, you?

Dude: I'm o.k.  Wait a minute.  I was at a J.V. game Monday night.

Me: (interrupting) Yes, that's my niece.

Dude:  I was wondering if she was connected to you guys.

Me:  Yep, David's oldest.

Dude: You know I'm related to one of the coaches, ( I did know, and had forgotten that.) and I just have to tell you how impressed they all are with her!  She never misses a practice and gives it everything she has.  It's a shame she's injured.

I can't remember my exact words, but I did pass along a big thank you to her coaches for being so encouraging, and told him what a positive experience this has been for her so far.  He agreed that they are a great bunch of guys.

*sigh*  Drivers licence..... this is going way to fast!

Finished up this blog, then caught a glimpse of TAFKAP (Paul) on his Oma's face book page.

It's almost to much for a pms'ing Auntie to stand!  (tearing up) STOP GROWING UP RIGHT NOW!  This also makes me want to give him a big ol smooch........which he loves......really...... 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Contest Winner!


I did see a picture of someone dressed as a storm trooper, and there was some talk about a man in some sort of Lego mask, plus some very odd women came into our rummage sale.......... but Binky is definitely the winner in my book!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Night Lights

I'm not doing a fabulous job keeping up with life in blog form.  Real life is just to full and fun, and I'm not complaining about that!  Some of you have asked me recently just what the heck is going on....... Well, I am in a relationship, but he would prefer it wasn't broadcast all over the universe.  *Sigh* So I have to respect that.  ( I don't have to like it though.  There are some really, really funny snake, mouse, spider stories that I would LOVE to share!)

Here are pics from Ashlyn's JV game last Monday.  She has a knee injury, so wasn't playing, but it was a beautiful night for football!!

There she is!  Number 86

The Chicken Dance?
Note the red braid hanging down. :)
Hello.... didn't realize a girl's head was there!  LOL
Blurry, but my fave.  Kneeling down after winning the game, and she was dead center.
Arg, I tear up just looking at that.
Shoot, I must be standing in a hole!

I haven't had the opportunity to see her play yet, possibly next week.  Although I don't know if I'm ready for that.  One of her teammates gave her a playful shove and I was half out of my seat. :)  So far it has still been a very positive experience for her.  Let's hope that continues!  Girl Power ♥

Friday, September 14, 2012

Family Fun Days

 Every year the "East End" community in Superior hosts "Family Fun Days".  It turns out that my boss is actually one of the guys who runs it, so I have taken a lot (read as 1,293) of phone calls over the last couple of months regarding various issues, and now know some of the ins and outs of what it takes to plan this kind of event.  There is entertainment, food, games for the kids, drawings, a car show, performances, etc.  Plus, a rummage sale that goes for miles!  Literally!  Now, I'm not into rummage sale shopping, not one bit, but I will drag out my own rummage to sell once a year during this event.  Sandy Hughitt happens to have a garage that faces the main sales on fifth street.

This is what happened last year........

Pimped Out

I'm not sure how to top that one, but I will report back if anything exciting happens. :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Do Over

So here's Tater and Hannah on their first day of school.  There was a really funny blog attached to this, hope you read it, cause it's gone.  Auntie is a dumb bunny and it was deleted.

Hannah: What is wrong with you?

Me:  Lots of things.

Hannah:  I know......              

Here they are with their new puppy Gus.  He comes home tomorrow ♥
Hey!  There's Ashlyn!  We don't see to much of her these days.  She is supposed to have her home opener tonight with varsity football, but is in a knee brace and not suiting up. :(  Hopefully when JV plays on Monday night I will be able to get some good pics!


Oh for crap sake!  There were seven draft copies of "Goover Talks" that I was trying to clean up and somehow I lost the original.  Wait.......there are still four or so copies left.  Maybe I can fix what I have done!  This has been a week to be sure! ;) 

SWEET HOLY MOSES THEY WERE ALL BLANK!  If there weren't people in the waiting room I would literally stomp and yell.  #$#@$$%%^%#$@#@!#@  and @#!@$@

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School Days

Yesterday I posted the two goovers, here are there cousins first day pictures!

The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo
5th grade!
C Monster            2nd grade!