Life Lessons


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Goodbye 42

Some people measure their personal progress from year to year on January 1.  That's when they pull out the resolutions and make promises to themselves that they almost never keep.  I like to track my progress from year to year on my birthday, or usually the day before.

So here we are on my last day of being 42.  I spent some of the morning with my brother, watching his son play football.  They finally had an eleven o'clock game.  Auntie doesn't drag herself out of bed on a Sat for early morning football.  That is just not going to happen, but it is an absolutely beautiful fall day!

I saw my oldest niece with her own football team, selling concessions.  "Got any money?  I'm starving."  See, I don't even have children, yet I still lost my last two bucks. :)  I did manage not to embarrass her by taking pictures in front of the guys on her team, but I so wanted to.  We had a nice walk and chat.  It's nice to be able to meet her on (almost) equal ground now.  She stopped by the office yesterday to pick up some things and did ask when they could sleep over, so she hasn't quite outgrown me yet..... it's the first thing the little ones always ask.  Then she drove away.  It's going to take some time for me to get used to that.

This year has been a huge one for me.  I took the time to "figure out who I am".  Which isn't as deep as it sounds.  I set priorities, made some big changes, met some interesting people, rekindled old friendships, and did a lot of writing.  I have spent a lot of time on my own, figuring out the "why" behind my actions and correcting things when need be.  I have put a lot of endings to chapters in my life that needed them, and started a few new ones. 

I have had a few crazy adventures, and some disappointments and heartache, but that's life.  All in all the good has far out weighed the bad.  Plus I really genuinely like and enjoy spending time on my own.  I like who I am, and I accept that I'm never going to be perfect, or a few other things.  I am what I am, and I ain't changin' for anyone but me.

So it's a bittersweet good-bye to 42.  Look out 43, here I come!

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