Life Lessons


Friday, November 15, 2013


Speaking of being thankful, and of Thanksgiving, it IS Thanksgiving.  It's not pre-Christmas. Heck, it isn't even Advent yet.  Why do we have to drag Christmas into November?  The day after Halloween I was at The Walmart, and there were the forlorn, unpicked, pumpkins sitting in the entry way where you grab a cart, next to a display of mini Christmas trees.  Really?

Why do we feel the need to slide over Thanksgiving?  Now the Black Friday Shoppers will be at it on Thursday.  Speaking of The Walmart, they want kudos because they are feeding their employees, who will be working, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  How nice. (sarcasm)  Kmart has always been open on Thanksgiving (or at least for the past ten years), but closed at four so the employees could go home to be with family, which is, after all, the point.  Not this year.  Ashlyn is currently a Kmart employee, and she has to work on the holiday, and the day after.  Welcome to the world of retail Baby Thanksgiving Pig Nose!

I do understand that some people have to work on the holiday.  However, when you become a doctor, or a nurse, that should be an obvious issue.  When you work in a nursing home, yep, you are probably going to have to work some holidays.  

I have done a little bit of Black Friday shopping, but really...... up at o'dark thirty to shop??  Not my style.  I certainly won't support it this year.  I will be at work myself, (bah humbug) and the early sales times would be perfect, but I wont go.  When I did go, it was about fun and camaraderie, not so much the sales.  I'm all about priorities and family, and this is just wrong.  Yes, I know families get together to do this, but I'm thinking about all the people who HAVE to work.  This isn't a choice for them, and you know who's bottom line it feeds.  Can you imagine having family come to town that you don't see very often, and you can't visit because you now have to work the holiday, so that some person can buy a four dollar blender at three a.m? Leave Thanksgiving alone, and put the sales back to five a.m. so people can have some family time.  To me this shift is a good example of what is wrong with this country.  Well, o.k. one of the things anyway. :) 

What am I doing to celebrate the holiday?  That's funny, because it's the one holiday when my family doesn't get together.  My ex used to do all the cooking, and everyone from both sides came to our house.  After the divorce they were all looking at me, wondering if I would perhaps feed them.  "You all have in-laws, go find them."  I am assuming the holiday is going to get consumed by final moving issues, although I'm hoping to be finished up by then.  We will catch up with The Brown Eyed Man's Mom the weekend after, as she's working on the holiday, so it will be just a quiet dinner at home with Jake and Milkie (which is going much better than anticipated) and that's fine with me!!  I look forward to cooking in the area formerly known as "A man's kitchen". ;)

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