Life Lessons


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Couch

Once upon a time I saw a couch in the department store window.  I really, really wanted to buy that couch.  The price tag said $1500, which I knew I would never pay, but I also hoped that the price would come down, so I started to save.

Time passed, and the couch price began to drop.  I got married, but by a year later was on my way to being divorced, and living on my own, in my very empty apartment. (good times)  I still kept my eye on that couch, and when the price went down to $700 I split it with savings and a credit card.  Now I at least had something other than the hard wooden rocker to sit on at the apartment.

The couch became my home base.  I ate there, watched tv there, napped there, read there, had my very first kiss with The Brown Eyed Man there.  Misty and Pepper played and napped there, Sam laid by my feet there.  Milkie snuggled with me there, and Jacob even sat by it a time or two. The kids sit there to eat on holidays, the Goovers and I have watched countless movies there, and it's where Ash sleeps on Goover Sleepover days.

I laughed there, I cried there, I was so angry once that I ripped the cushions right off and tossed them against the wall.  My last conversation with my beloved Aunt/ Godmother was on the phone there.  So many memories tied up into a piece of furniture! (Yes, if you know what a "Burble" is......)

Seven years later, the couch is still in amazing shape.  After all, I'm the only one who sat on it regularly and I'm not that messy.  The kids surprisingly never spilled on it, and the pets are/were all well behaved.  I had a spot all picked out for it at the house, and looked forward to curling up on it with a book from time to time.

Yeah, it's always something.  The couch wont fit.  A friend of mine (thank God)  picked it up on Monday night, and it will join her family.  It's just a couch right?  I'll buy another one.  My life is changing.........

What I found when I moved/cleaned the couch:  An empty purple Easter egg that said "Paul".  A wrist band to get into the races left by The Brown Eyed Man, a piece of petrified Misty poop, (of course) and a whole bunch of "hot buttered O's". (a sleepover treat) Oh, and there was some Sam hair too.  Man that dog could shed.

After the couch was gone, I sat in one of the two remaining dining table chairs, and called The Brown Eyed Man.

Him: Are you o.k.?

Me: NO, I'm not. +big sigh+  It's just a couch, I'll get over it.

He had already hauled a load from the apartment earlier in the day, and had dinner ready so I just shut off the lights and headed home.  Someone else handled what I needed to do.  All I had to do was drive home and relax.  What parallel universe is this?  It has been a long time since someone helped to carry the load, and it was a very nice surprise.  I would trade that for a couch any day. :)

So the comfy couch has moved on to new adventures, and so have I.  The memories go with me, and for that I am truly thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!!   (here are a few of my favorites)

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