Life Lessons


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lil Bit Country

Well.......  (it's a deep subject)

I've gone and done it.  Tonight I am moving out to the country.  The Brown Eyed Man, Jacob, Milkie, and I (and the mice and the spiders) are all going to be living under one roof.

I have talked a bit, since my birthday, about being fierce, and about letting go of my "tiger".  That's what I have done.  The two hardest things in the entire world for me are:

1. Admit I need help. (and actually ask for it)
2. Open myself up fully to another person.

It's a huge step for me, and although I know it's the right thing, for a whole lot of reasons, my independent self is having an apoplectic fit.  I just have to remember to focus on myself as much as I do the relationship, and all will be well.  Plus I get my own room, and an office!  Well, it's Milkie's room, but I can use it if I need to. 

Speaking of fits, can someone explain all of this to Milkie?  This morning I said to her, as she drank water out of the sink, "Enjoy your last day at the apartment!"  The glare I got in return told me that she can, in fact, understand everything I say.  She absolutely adores The Brown Eyed Man, it's Jacob she isn't so fond of.  Poor puppy.....

So by the end of today Milk and I will officially be country girls. We'll use the rest of the month to get all of my crap situated. (How can one little person have so much stuff?)  Then one final trip to the Landlord's and we're done.

Oh, speaking of HIM.  When I called and told him I was leaving at month end he says "NO! You are one of my best tenants.  You can't move.  Tell your boyfriend to move to town!"  Really?  This is how you treat your "best tenants"?  Then some blah blah blah about me having pets, so he will have to have the apartment "professionally cleaned" so not to expect much deposit.  I assume I have the right to see the bill from the "professional" cleaning?  He forgets that I have seen the handyman arrive with the carpet cleaner after each tenant has left to "professionally" clean the carpet.  What a load o' crap.

To you landlords out there.  If you have someone who pays the rent each and every month on time, watches over your property, because it is in fact their home, and causes you no grief whatsoever, wouldn't it make sense to keep the tenant happy and keep the tenant?  Karma is a bitch buddy, and I haven't decided yet if I will leave you to her or take care of it myself. ;)

Overall I am really excited to start this new adventure.  It will be so nice to just go home at night and not have to run all over like a chicken without a head.  It will be amazing to be able to say good-night instead of good-bye! ♥

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