Life Lessons


Monday, November 14, 2011


Well it finally happened.  When I went out with the girls on Friday it was all calm and tame.  No oddballs, weirdos, or creepers of any sort.  Sorry Shelly, you are not creeper material.  I even said as we left, nothing has happened tonight, I'm a little afraid of the parking lot!

Fast forward to Saturday afternoon.  I met "The Boys" down at Shultz' to watch the Badgers kick the crap out of the Gophers.  Even though I missed the first quarter, it was already a blow out.  After the game ended, and we watched the end of another history making game, which in true girly form I can not remember one detail of, except the blue field...... This isn't because I'm a girly girl, it's because I don't follow college football, and I'm not going to start caring about it now.  If I don't care about something, I can't retain the information, period.

Anyway!  So the boys all wander off, either home to the wife or to "hit the head" (man talk) and there I am, alone.  This is always how it starts.  So in walks my Creepette.  Now, walk is a relative term.  Stumble would be closer to what it was.  She sits down to my left at the end of the bar and says hello.  I'm polite, I say hello back.  Then this dude shows up and she tells him to go away.  They argue for a bit, which was very awkward since I was basically sitting in the middle of it.  WHERE are Darrin and Bryan??  So he finally gives up and sits by the end of the bar.  She says to me "I'm sorry, I'm being a bitch."  I said, "Hey, we all need a little space sometimes."  Which gained me a new best friend.

We talked about incoherent things for a few minutes and she left her stuff to go over to the juke box.  THEN the boys return.  I told them about it, and then said "Don't look now, she's in that guys lap, and that is NOT the one she came in with."  Sure enough the man she did arrive with was over in a flash.  No fight though, just a lot of talking.  So we continue our conversation at the bar, until about ten minutes later she returns.  To talk, to burst my personal bubble with hands on my arm and hugs, to at one point, honest to God, getting so close into my business that I thought she might try to kiss me.  I shot Darrin a look, and I get back a grin.  I'm a big girl, I can deal and deflect all of it, but you know I don't think they would have had the same reaction if it was some drunk guy.  At least I hope they wouldn't.

So I'm considering leaving because, I am hungry, my hamstring is killing me on that seat, and well yeah...... I'm not doing this the rest of the night.  Then she gets up and goes outside.  I'm not going to head out and be alone with her in the parking lot, so I go back to the conversation.  Darrin said something like "Wow, how do they find you?" and I responded that "I must have something written on my forehead that only they can see."  So we chatted a bit more, then when she came back to snuggle up, I said my good-byes.  I gave Darrin an extra squeeze when we hugged good bye and said "Enjoy my girlfriend."  He said he was moving down the bar. Chicken.

True to form, I text him about a half hour later to see how my girlfriend was doing, and to thank him for the invite out with the boys. Apparently a few minutes after I left two drunk people showed up and dragged her out of the bar.  *eye roll*

So I guess that is the closest thing to a lesbian experience that I've ever had.  hahahaha  yikes.  Ugh, I'm like a magnet of some sort.  Maybe someone has put a voodoo curse on me?  Hmmmmm........

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