Life Lessons


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sam Angels

I may have another post from another year with this title.  I'm just too lazy to go and find out.  :)

We had our first snowfall yesterday, it only amounted to maybe half an inch, and has mostly melted.  More snow is expected for later today, maybe an inch or two, nothing exciting.  Officer Dave is having himself an old fashioned blizzard out there in Wyoming.  I'm a little jealous.  Just a little.

Traditionally (well the last four years anyway) I would have Sam right now.  Hunting season has begun in Wisconsin and it isn't safe to be an outdoor dog, especially with her coloring.  Plus the loud noises scared her.  Plus it's just mean to leave your animals outside like that.  There, I've said it.  I am not a country person in that respect.  They don't belong roaming the countryside.  It isn't safe, and it isn't kind.  I don't know how she made it to fourteen living that kind of life.  Just lucky I guess, but minus the bottom half of her front teeth from trying to bite her way out of a trap when she was little.  That's all I have to say about that.

Yesterday when the kids saw the mini blizzard pouring out of the sky they ran to the windows and the ruckus level in the room went to about 150%.  As I watched the playground be almost instantly covered in a blanket of white a tear slid down my cheek.  Sam loved snow.  She absolutely loved it.  She would rush outside and stick her head in a drift even if it was 2 degrees.  Then she would flop on her back and roll back and forth in it, making what I call Sam Angels.

As you can see, she didn't need much snow.  She would have been so excited to see this first snowfall, and I would have been lucky enough to had her with me more than likely.  I miss her every day, but especially right now.  For the rest of my life I will think of her when the snow flies.  Now she really is my Sam Angel. ♥  Very fitting that as I finish this the snow begins to fall.

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