Life Lessons


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Women Rock!

Saturday was spent in the company of some fine women from all over the northland, and of course my gals, Boomer and Sandy.  (They really like the alias thing.)  First we drove up to Spirit Mountain in Duluth to attend "Women Rock".  It's a fundraiser for breast cancer.  Several vendors were set up, lots of drawings and freebies.  We saw part of a marital arts demonstration.  There were some interesting things in the silent auction, and champagne for a dollar!  No booze for me, but I owed Boomer a dollar....

Boomer and I were also able to get a free chair massage, which was divine.  There was also a dude giving $15 massages on a table, which I'm sure were great, but I didn't really feel comfortable lying out there like that in front of the crowd.  I'm thinking that might just be my Christmas present to myself though.  I certainly could use one, in private that is.

The girls and I careened (and I do mean that, Boomer was driving) our way back over to Superior where there was a similar function going on at V.I.P.  although not a fund raiser.  We found our old Party Lite "dealer" Arlene, and Sandy got all set up for a party in a few weeks.  So if any of you need candles, I can hook you up!  I got to see how the Miche bags work, up close and personal.  I think it's a neat idea, but I just can't give up the "feed bag" that I carry around.  I love that purse.  Lets see... I won a pumice stone brush for your feet, and got to see some very, VERY scary belly dancers.  I mean, you go girl, but yikes!  Ah, I almost forgot the free pizza! 

It turns out that Superior was hosting an event this weekend, but I hadn't seen it advertised anywhere.  I think it was called "Girls Day Out."  You got a card and had to go to six area business' and have the card punched.  So we were out and about Superior then for the rest of the afternoon.  I honestly had only been into one of those businesses before (The Rocking Horse) so it really was a good promotional thing!  We also hit a few places not on the list, ending with an estate sale a few blocks from here.  That was gross.  Upscale house on Hammond, but the inside was totally original from the time it was built.  The upstairs smelled like pee, and the basement..... I don't know.  I had to hold my breath. 

All in all it was a good day.  I also had a unique opportunity to remind one woman that she does indeed rock!  I meant what I said.  You are a strong woman, you can do this.  It's the right thing to do........ and I always have your back, even if I'm in the car.  :) 

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