Life Lessons


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall Back

Last weekend we set our clocks back an hour. I didn't have to do much because my phone, alarm clock, and computer all do that automatically.  Although, my phone did it automatically for some reason the weekend prior.  They got around to fixing it at about noon on Sunday.  When I woke up at seven and my phone said six it really confused me.  It didn't help that I had a little too much Jack the night before when I was out with the boys.  It went like this:

Hmmm, my alarm clock says seven, but my phone says six.  They are both supposed to be automatic changers, and that's not til next weekend.  Right?  *stumble out of bed to look at oven clock*  Yeah, it says seven.  *stumble to the bathroom, come back to the bedroom and stare at the alarm clock, get back into bed, look at the phone.*  Six o'clock.  What is going on? *stumble out to the calendar*  No, it isn't until next weekend.  Go back to bed crazy pants, it's the phone, not you.   Which I did, and then slept til ten.

I am a daylight savings time gal, I will run errands, hang out with friends, and just be a happier person in general, although heading to work in the pitch black isn't really something I am a fan of.  On the flip side of that, I definitely don't care for it being pitch black at five thirty at night.  This has been a really long week, with extra work hours for conferences.  That will be nice on the paycheck, but so not worth it.  Not that I mind chattin with the parents, but my time is, and always has been more precious to me than any amount of money.  At happy hour last night I was a zombie, and headed home at about eight.  I was dead asleep for the night by nine thirty.  Twice this week I have fallen asleep on the couch around seven.  I have even actually sat and watched several tv shows without jumping off the couch to do 16 other things.  It doesn't mean they were interesting, it means my energy level is way down. 

Well, at least I no longer work in a basement, so I can see the sunshine.  I do also get outside every day with the kiddos, which is important for all of us.  I just can't stop my inner clock from trying to hibernate.  Nap time anyone?

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