Life Lessons


Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have started a couple of blogs this week, but then in the end didn't care for them, or didn't want to go down the road they traveled, so I've been pretty quiet.  It isn't that I don't have anything to say ( I know!) it's just that I'm censoring.  I can't tell you how much that irritates me, but for now, that's the way it is.

I need to write, it seems like it's the air I breathe now, and that's a good thing.  Having to pick and choose my words, not so much.  So I thought I would tell you a funny story!

Yesterday at nap time (Why do these children not understand how fabulous it is to take a nap??) I ended up sitting by "the baby" in our class.  He's a new three, and the last one to make it over from toddlerville this semester.  Our class is absolutely bursting from the seams, and that is stressful for the obvious reasons, plus the added physical workload.  So by twelve thirty on Friday I might be a little crabby.  I put "the baby" in a spot where I knew he would monkey around and not fall asleep, because he doesn't take a very good nap.  The later he falls asleep the better.  So while I sat with other children I watched him ding around and reminded him several times to settle down, all the while making my way closer.

There we are, little T, "The Baby" and me.  Little B is staring and grinning at me from across the way.  Something she likes to do at nap time.  Why?  I do not know.  I often tell her to take a picture, it will last longer.  She just grins wider and keeps on staring.   I cover up "The Baby" and tell him to take a good snooze.  He grins at me and makes faces.  I cover little T and remind him to rest quietly, settling myself between the two.  I tell little B to roll over, good night!

 "The Baby" just can got quit goofing around and settle down.  I must mention that he watches "Looney Toons" so he says "What's Up Doc?" a lot, and makes a lot of sound effect noises. I'm starting to get irritated with the nonsense, and I see little B grinning at me again instead of closing her eyes.  I say "Little B, I think my head is going to pop right off!"  All of the sudden, without missing a beat we hear  "DOINK" come out of "The Baby".   I just burst out laughing, right there amongst the sleeping children.  Very cathartic, and when those kids first fall asleep a bomb could go off and not wake them.  Then Miss Jen arrived and I was able to take a much needed break, so that my head would, in fact, stay attached.

My days are many things, but boring is not one of them.  :)

Friday, January 20, 2012


Well, I'm not exactly playing hooky today.  I just saw the opportunity to use a vacation day and grabbed onto it with both hands!!  Now if it was only a decent day outside it would be perfect.  It's mighty cold, but I did get together with my sister and head on down to the Walmart.  Oddly enough it didn't really offer any entertainment this time.

What it did offer me was an answer.  Yes, the universe chose to answer my question at The Walmart.  The universe (apparently) isn't picky.  At least not as picky as me.  I believe that we do always get the answers to our questions, or prayers.  Sometimes we just don't hear them, or want to hear them.

If you don't already think I'm nuts, this will probably help you reach that conclusion.  I'm not going to go into any great detail over who Wally is.  That mostly remains unwritten, to deep, to dark, to painful.  However, I will say that when I am mulling something over and ask the universe, or God, if you prefer, for answers they usually come through him.  Now I don't mean that he comes down from the great beyond and has a chat.  What I mean is I will hear something, or see something that pertains to him, and I will know I'm on the right path.

When the whole "Christmas Miracle" blog happened I didn't pray for something in particular.  It was a general "put my feet on the right path" kind of thing.  Right now I'm looking at a path that veers off pretty far to my right.  It seems like the way to go, the trail looks pretty well worn, no visible obstacles.  There's lots of sun, and I can hear the birds singing....... but I'm just not sure.  So I tossed it out at the universe again this morning.  Is that the right path?  Can you just give me a sign?  A little hint?  A little help FOR ONCE?!

I ran into Wally's parents at the Walmart.  I never run into his parents, and I haven't seen his Dad in twenty years.  That seems like a pretty solid yes to me.  I don't really believe in coincidence.  So there you are.  If it's a gigantic mistake, so be it.  It isn't like I've never made one of those before......... :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

His Dream

It's never easy teaching preschoolers the concept of who Dr. King was, or why we celebrate his life.  They just have no concept of "different".  Which is a good thing.  We aren't born intolerant.  We learn those things as we go along.

We read a story about MLK today and the children were shocked that little kids couldn't go into a restaurant or into a park because there were "White Only" signs.  We talked about him working to help people understand how silly that was, and how much better it is now that everyone is "equal".

When I was done talking to the kids after the story I said something about children not even being able to go to the same schools, but that thanks to many people, including MLK we all can be together.  Right in front of me sat two children.  An African American little girl, and a Caucasian little boy, who happen to be good friends.  They simultaneously yelled  "Yeah!" and hugged each other.  I get teary eyed writing that, and I had to move on quickly to the next thing at circle time, or I would have lost it. 

Living here in northern Wisconsin I grew up not really knowing anyone of color.  Now I have a multi-racial family, and have had dozens of beautiful children of color in my classes over the years.  I feel so far removed from anything "racial" because acceptance (of any kind) isn't an issue for me.  People are people, and that's the way it should be.  I was raised that way.

So if MLK looked down on preschool today I think he would be proud.  Not that we honor him, but that his work made, and is still making, a difference.  You have to be taught to be racist, you aren't born that way. :)  It's nice to see that as generations come and go, things, they are a changin'.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday the Thirteenth

Don't go down to the lake.  I've seen the movie, or at least parts of it.  I know not to go down to the lake!  I never assumed that Happy Hour would be the thing to do me in!

If you are a superstitious person you would probably say that Friday the thirteenth didn't go so well for me.  If you are me you would say that the universe is shifting again, and it just happened to jolt extremely hard yesterday.

It was a stressful day at work and I shot a couple of things out into the universe in frustration.  You guessed it.  That is when the universe decides to listen, and WHAM!  The problem is, I am given options, but not answers.  I am given reminders, but no guidelines.

I made a comment to someone  "Have you sold that house yet?  I am ready to become a kept woman!"  Shortly afterwards he got an offer, countered, and the house sold.  No, I am not kidding.  I'm not really going to become a "kept" woman. :)  That is a little too much leisure for me.  Although being able to devote more time to writing, and working at what I love because I love it, not to pay the bills, would pretty much be heaven.  Plus, he is definitely an amazing man.  So of course it's complicated. :)

I sent another message out to the universe, and received a prompt reply, but that one I'm going to have to hold close to the vest for awhile longer.  Lets just say I took a hard look at some things that need to change, and since I do have a couple of clear goals, it's time to actually do something about it.

So after running around all day like a chicken with her head cut off I was really looking forward to Happy Hour!  That is when things took a very odd turn.  Boomer asked me a question about Brown Eyes' mother's Nigerian husband.  (No, I'm not kidding.)  There is some scuttlebutt going on out in the country involving a web scam, and there's a Nigerian man's pic on it.  She showed me, and I couldn't tell if it was him or not, and while I heard he was finally given clearance to come here, I wasn't sure if he had in fact arrived.  "Well, I'll just text Brown Eyes and ask!  I'm sure he'd like to know if this dude is behind things."  So I sent a text asking if this man was indeed in country now.  My phone immediately starts singing "All the Singles Ladies" by the Chippettes (my weird sense of humor), because that's his ring tone.  We talk for a minute about it, and while he doesn't think the man is here he would like to see the pic.  You're at Happy Hour?  Be right there.

What?  Uh............

At least I didn't have too much time to think about it, because he was indeed right there. Upon examining the photo, no it wast his Nigerian step father, who is fifteen or so years his junior. Brown Eyes probably stayed and visited for a half hour, it was all too surreal for me.  When Boomer got a little carried away with some female business he made a quick escape. :)  We all laughed, and then Boomer said.  "Gee I like him.  He's funny, he should join us more often."  I'm sure the look I shot her was pretty heartbroken.  "Um, HELLO?"  "Oh, yeah..... sorry."

That called for another whiskey coke, which went down way too fast.  Leading to an inebriated shopping trip next door for eggs, butter, and peanut butter and long discussions about types and prices of said peanut butter.  I really wanted to go home after that, but knew that I shouldn't drive, so I changed partners from Boomer (ditched I tell ya) to Sandy and her pal "Lady B" and headed down to V.I.P. to hang out and sober up.

At some point there were three texts between me and #2.  While I enjoy his company, and we did have fun again last Tuesday, my gut is telling me "wait, something isn't right."  My gut isn't wrong, where I go wrong is when I second guess myself and don't listen.  So while I'm not scrapping it yet, the caution flag is out.

Stuck with Lady B is always interesting, in ways I will not share.  Unlike Herself, who will (and did) share every detail of her life, no matter how personal.  I know things I never wanted to know, nor did I ask to know.  Now, I will talk like this with my gals sometimes.  The girl talk can get down right "blue waffle" raunchy.....but they are my girls, she is not.  Do not share things about your "Lady Business" (hence her name) with people you barely know.  It isn't seemly.  As my father would say...... Uncouth. :)

So I wound up back home safe and sound around ten.  Although pretty banged up on the inside.  Nothing happens for weeks, then in the span of a few hours I get pulled six ways to Sunday.  Windows slam shut, doors open, and reality slaps me in the face, hard.  Someday I will tell you that I'm well and truly over it, over him.  Today my friends, is just not that day.

We have two more Friday the thirteenths this year.  I should probably look them up on the calendar, use vacation days, and go hide somewhere..............without my cell phone. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just a Girl

My facebook post upon returning from my date with Bachelor #2: 

Standing outside of the apt,staring at the moon(still almost 40 degrees) with a HUGE grin on my face! 

I have to admit, we have mutual fb friends, (don't you wish you knew who you were) so if he snoops just a little, he'll make it into the blog.... and I'm a bit nervous about that overall, but that's the chance I took when I started writing. 

So I got his text this afternoon when I finished work asking me to meet him at the Anchor at 5.  Now I'm not familiar with that bar, so it's out of my comfort zone.  This date was pretty blind, I had seen pics, but only short texts, so I was already a little out of my comfort zone.  I was much more nervous this time, but that might be because I'm not allowing myself to "autopilot" anymore.  I had a backup for the Anchor (Tom from work) who would wander over if I text him anything at all, but in the end I asked  (almost wrote his name, whoops!) Bachelor #2 to change over to Keyport.  I'm just more comfortable with people I know.  Turns out he knew more people than I did.

I arrived on time, he was running a couple minutes late.  Star came over to me and said "The other two running behind?"  "No," I replied.  "They'll be here with me tomorrow for happy hour.......I'm actually on a date, and it's pretty "blind" so can you please go easy on the whiskey in the coke in case I need to make a quick escape?!"  "Gotcha, good luck!" 

I didn't need the escape.  He is smart, funny, down to earth, and from his job and the way he talks about the people he cares for I can tell that he has a big heart.  If I have a "type" he comes pretty close to it physically and I did allow him right into my space, which is pretty unheard of for me.  No mother, I did not kiss him on the first date.  :)  Why am I so weird about that?  Do I think the heavens will open up......... ok, more like hell opens up and swallows me whole?  I will blame it on being raised by a nun. 

At one point we both got up to use the ladies (mens) room, and when I came back Star came over to ask how it was going.  I said  "Good, he's a good guy......but I'm a tough nut to crack."  At that point I really wasn't reading him very well.  I thought we might be ending the night.  (Kerri....that is when I took a big sip of my water that had been left unattended at the table.  I checked my fb while waiting for him and saw your post about watching your drink.  I almost spit it out!)

It took him quite a while to return, and I thought "Oh no!  Ditched!"  However, his jacket was still on the chair.  Turns out he ran into a cousin of his and was visiting for a minute.  Then he asked me if he could buy me a burger down at The Anchor, and we headed there.  While on the bar stools (that are MY height btw...about time) he did sit right up snugly with me, and after we ordered he slid his arm around me.  Now most of you know that does not fly with me on a normal basis.  Stay OUT of my bubble.  Whatever it is about him, he got right past the radar.  Yes ladies, I "fit".  You know what I mean.  Some people you just "fit".  Some you don't. 

I have to be careful here, or I'm going to go all girly on you and start gushing.  I am a tough nut to crack, it's true.  But at the end of the day.  I'm just a girl, staring at the moon, with a great big smile on her face.

He dropped me back off at my car, and asked if I wanted to watch a movie, he had rented some, and I have a new one here too.  If it had been the weekend I would have broke the rules and invited him over.  However, it isn't.  I had twenty kids today, and I have another twenty tomorrow.  I have to get to bed at a decent time.  So now we'll see..........  Bachelor #1 didn't get the sleepover invite and jumped back into the pond.  I was very clear with Bachelor #2 that I absolutely want to see him again, and if it wasn't a school night I would have SO been down for the movie watching.  So........ ?  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hello, my name is Jo, and I am addicted to Words With Friends.

I don't even like the game of Scrabble, never have.  I'm much better at trivia games, because there's a lot of useless nonsense rattling around up in my head.  I also do well at games where you have to think quick.  If you have to plot and plan out your move to gain the best points, and really need to take your time thinking it over, well......  I do my best when I'm shootin' from the hip.

So why can I not put the phone down?  It isn't like I'm beating many people, although I have won a few games.  My goal is to lose to a few smarty pants' by less than 100 points, and I am close to making that a reality tonight, although that dang Melanie just pulled out a "ZA" in one of the final plays.  I love when my friend Kerri cheats......... I just want to send a message to her saying "use that word in a sentence".  :)  I'm playing with friends all over the country, and I just love it!

My childhood game playing nemesis caught up with me last night and we now have started a match.  Scrabble wasn't one of our favorite summer afternoon games, but we did play sometimes.  I'm sure I never won, as I said above, not my favorite, and not that great at it.  Plus, she knows my weakness for music, and would turn it on at every opportunity to distract me.  Well that ain't gonna work this time sister!  Got my game face on, so bring it!

I already have had to put a curfew on Words With Friends.  Eleven o'clock on a school night, period.  I'm such a bitch. :)  Hmmm.... how many points is that?

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Pond

Happy 2012! 

I'm excited to take this year by the horns and see what I can make of it!  This blog is called the pond, it is the place one goes to fish.  Fish for men, I guess.  You know the old saying "There are plenty of fish in the sea."?  Well, that's what this is about.

There are SO many fish, and it's amazing to me how fast I'm weeding my way through them this time.  I look at profiles and find my self actually saying NO out loud.  I'm impressed with how much I've learned and grown over the years since I last tried online dating.  The crazies aren't even getting a first date this time.  Bad for the fans of my dating disaster stories, but good for my sanity.  Although I always laugh about it later....

Kerri is going to kill me when she sees the piece of "sexual chocolate" I tossed back into the pond yesterday.  Too damn young.  I know, but that isn't what I'm looking for.  If I dated him it would be just to see how it felt to date someone ten (yes ten) years younger, not because I thought we had any kind of a future.  But my oh my was he hot.  Nice ego boost to be sure.  ;)  When you date at 42 you do tend to attract the young ones, which honestly creeps me out to no end.  Sorry, I'm no cougar.  Quite the opposite actually.  I'm trying very hard to stick to my own age group.  I suppose I could try a year or two younger, but that's it.

I honestly wonder just what it is that I AM looking for.  I don't think that it's Mr. Right.  I really think it's more Mr. Right Now.  You never know what life has in store for you though.  As I said, I have no plans to change my life around for anything less than spectacular.  The definition of that remains to be seen, but I'll know it when I catch it.  That's the good thing about me.  I know immediately, which is why bachelor #1 ended up back in the pond without a fight from me.

I have a date for drinks with bachelor #2 on Thursday.  Going in again with no preconceived notions, which worked well the last time, even though he wasn't a keeper.

So who hasn't made the cut?   Ey yi yi.  A lesbian, a cross dresser, an old bf, several too young, a few too pushy, one creeper, and a piece of sexual chocolate that I kind of regret..... I'm sure the list will grow, and I'm hopeful that I will also meet a few good people along the way.