Life Lessons


Sunday, April 25, 2010

I am a Cat

A few days ago I was reading a blog by a friend of mine, (Kelli) who posed the question "What kind of animal are you?" She has discovered that she is a frog. Yep, it fits. So then I got to thinking about it. What kind of animal would best describe me? Hmmmmmm......

My first thought went to a dog. I am loyal, friendly, happy, would have to be a smarter breed..... but no, it just doesn't quite fit. The unconditional devotion and selflessness that you find in a dog aren't qualities you will find to that extreme in me. So I took a look at the opposite of dog in my mind, which is cat.

I am definitely a cat. Not a purebred pampered thing, but a typical (overfed) house cat. I love to sleep, to play, and to snuggle. I am easily distracted, and can have a hard time focusing. "Look a bird! My dish is empty, oh, a bird!" However, when I'm locked on to something nothing gets by me. I would be an excellent mouser. Cats are graceful, and that doesn't fit so much, but then again, Pepper occasionally jumps up to somewhere, misses, and paws go flying all over.

Cats can be sneaky, finicky, and throughout history have been portrayed falsely as "evil". While I don't think sneaky really fits, although I do find out a lot of things I shouldn't know because of my stealth powers and bat ears, the finicky fits, and well..... the word evil has been used a few times in my direction. Irritate me on a bad pms day and you'll find out. lol I actually enjoy being thought of as evil, because people think twice before messing with me. However, if you really know me, you know it isn't true.

I love my "people", enjoy being with them, and am fiercely loyal. Unlike a dog, for the most part it's on my terms. That's the difference. I appear to have nine lives, and most importantly...... I always land on my feet. ;)

So think about it? What animal best describes your personality?

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