Life Lessons


Sunday, April 18, 2010

X husbands

Last Thursday I received a text message that went something like this: "You hear evil music when you see me?" Uh OH the x husband has found my blog. Little bit of panic sets in, what did I write? What ELSE did I write???? Something about the stewardess..... hmmm...... what to reply? So I sent back "Sometimes, and with good reason. Remember that is past tense." No reply.

When I got home I checked my Facebook and there was a message on there from him too. I have dial up and sometimes the messages don't come through for awhile. This was one of those times. By now I was fuming. How could he be mad at me for that one little line after everything he's put me through, and everything I COULD have written. I called my sister and ranted and raved, plotting my next blog topic......

Finally twenty minutes or so later I went into my email and read it from there. Then I had to eat some humble pie, and call my sister back to tell her what it said. The important part was "You missed your calling, you're a wonderful writer!" I was stunned, to say the least. I wrote back thanking him, promising not to be too harsh. lol Now I feel bad about wanting to write the stewardess story.....but probably not bad enough to keep it hidden away. After all, it is part of MY story, and I will only tell the pieces that pertain to me.

My x and I have a pretty good relationship. Three years have gone by since our divorce, and although there have been rough moments we still remain friends. Since we don't have any children together people always ask me why have any contact at all. The answer is a selfish one, for my own sanity. We were together off and on for almost 16 years, and when you spend so much of your life with one person it's hard to go "cold turkey" all at once. Months go by now without us talking, but we are still on good terms.

Another reason is forgiveness. I had so much anger built up inside it was threatening to rule my life, and I couldn't let that happen. Keeping him in my life, letting time heal some wounds and talking them out on occasion with him allowed me to let it all go.

So one private message to my X. Sparky, get my bike fixed or I will blog about you again. :)

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