Life Lessons


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tip Number Three

Welcome to the scattered clutter that is my mind! I write what appeals to me at the moment, and there is no rhyme or reason to the order of things. Even now as I attempt to write about tip number three there is a blog about my "being a cat" trying to sneak in here.

I don't know how I just glossed right over tip number three. I thought I mentioned it in during "The Dark and Foggy Night", but looking back I didn't see it. It is probably the single most important thing I will ever tell you:

Tip Number Three: ALWAYS HAVE A WAY OUT! This is where the cell phone comes in handy. I didn't have a cell phone at the time of the Perkins date from hell, it would have gotten me out of an icky situation quickly. I used this one on Aaron, and it moved things right along, although he is another topic to be sure. He's way out of "order" so I'll quit talking about him.

How to use this rule. Let someone, ANYONE know that you are going out to meet someone for the first time. Set a specific time for them to call you, lets say about a half hour into the date. If things are going well you pick up (always pick up or your pal may think you've been axe murdered) and apologize, saying this could be important. I am in no way advocating talking on your cell phone during a date. That is the definition of RUDE. However, this once it's alright. When you pick up the phone listen to what the caller has to say for a minute, and then you have to do a little acting. It's either, glad everything is alright. I'm out with *fill in the blank* so I'll call you back later. OR get a look of concern or panic on your face, and tell them you'll be right there. Figure out the fib prior unless you think REALLY well on your feet.

Lucky for me, and unluckily for her, my sister has a list of medical issues three miles long, and her daughter's is longer than that. It gives me an easy excuse if I need it. She is my backup. Except for Aaron, that was Elise and Ashlyn. Ashlyn really enjoyed the red suspenders....... Elise just enjoyed my pain. LOL

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