Life Lessons


Monday, May 23, 2011


While I'm not a fan of the "Biebster" I do like one of his songs.  ♫ You smile, I smile ♫  You know the one.  I can't seem to get it out of my head today.

Dave is coming for a visit this weekend, and I can not stop smiling. :D  I'm so excited!!

That's about all I can think of to say, my brain is on vacation at the moment, too busy being a "goofy girl." ♥

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wanted: Single Woman

The story you are about to read is true.  Names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent.  If this little post becomes what it has the potential to grow into this is an awesome "how we met" story!

Once upon a time  (a month ago) I was innocently reading the feed on my Facebook page when I came upon this little gem from a long time friend of mine.

K:  Wanted: single woman who likes food, shark movies, and has big boobs.

Well, my smart mouth could not pass that one up, so of course I responded.

Me: I am laughing my head off at this.

W:  Damn, almost in.  I thought it said Shrek movies!

Me: lol I wanted to reply with "You rang?"  I'm sure he's east coast with K though, damn the luck!

K: Yeah, east coast.... you know... where it's WARM?

Me:  Well, to move to the east coast for a man I would need more than warmth, likes food, shark movies, and is a boob man.

I honestly thought that was the end of it, and I was just being sassy anyway.  Everyone who knows me knows I'm not out there looking for a relationship.  Later that evening this is added to the post.

D:  Since she posted that for me let me then ask what would you need? :)

I never in a million years thought whomever she was posting for was in any way serious or would respond.  The post gets much longer with lots of chat about who we are looking for in life, and ends with us friending each other and moving into the world of private messages.  We've been talking off and on this whole month, and did have plans to spend time next weekend together.......which, like an idiot I cancelled when my life just became too overwhelming.  I am going to chalk that one up to p.m.s. and be grateful that D (which is for Dave) is very kind and understanding.

Currently Dave is in Paris.  Yes, Paris.  Not the one in Texas.  Of course I am jealous as hell, and wish that I could have gone too.  He's been there several times, and I asked him if he would take a pic of the Eiffel Tower, just for me.  Which he did.   "I made a special stop at a certain location for a requested photo."  Was the message I got yesterday, then a text today with the picture, which is now on the wallpaper on my phone.  What a gorgeous spring day in Paris!

The man made a special trip to take a picture of the Eiffel Tower for me.  I think the least I could do would be to get him a Shamrock pizza this Friday night?  If I haven't totally blown it, that is.................

Stay tuned  ♥

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today would have been my fifteenth wedding anniversary.  (The first time I married him.)  We made it five, and the last year of that was mostly separation games.  I did text him "Happy Anniversary #1" earlier today, to which he responded.  "You too, you did put on a good buffet."  I replied with, "Yeah, at least there was that."  *smirk*  I also like to Happy Anniversary him on the divorce dates, which he doesn't find nearly as amusing.  (the point)

I paid the car off today!  VERY EXCITING!  Even if it is eleven years old now. :)  I knew when I bought it that it would be on it's last leg by the time I had paid it off, but I really (underlined three times) wanted this car.  If  she could make it through one more winter I would be ecstatic.  If she could just make it 6 months that would be great.

So I started thinking about life, and goals and such,  and how my life did not go down the path I thought it would.  My life has never been that way.  Ever.  Period.  I don't know if I can't find the right path, or if I just can't stay on the path when I do.  I give up.  These days I just wander aimlessly down my path never looking at any paths that jut off the main route.  Like Dorothy in Oz, however, I seem to have hit a fork in the road.  So now what?  Stay on this path and wind along as I have been, or take that path over there that wasn't on the map?   It heads into some forest and I can't see where it leads, but it would be an interesting change.  That is so not the point of this blog, but my mind goes where it will. 

The point is progress!  I am making some tangible progress in my goal of a home of my own.

1: Find a job where I can actually make the ends meet. ~ Accomplished.

2: No credit card use, period.   ~ Haven't touched them since January.

3: Pay off the car.   ~ Done!

Now we work on bringing the credit situation into a reasonable range.  Then put some more cashola into savings and Milkie and I can start looking for our own humble abode.  We like the one we have, but I would like my own gardens, a few less neighbors, and a D.O.G.  Shhhhhhhh we'll just spell that last one.  Shoot, she has her own blog, she can spell. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden O' Weedin'

I love to garden, it is in my blood.  It is in both of my brothers' blood, and it comes from our Father.  Who for the record did not teach any of us, we were not to touch or to bother.  Unless of course a big frost was coming and we had to hurry after school to pick the last of the tomato, toss them into clothes baskets and put them in the basement.  I might add that it was sleeting at the time.  My Mother's idea of heaven would be a cement block in the middle of a big city.  My sister must take after her, she does NOT have the gardening gene.

Living in the apartment, obviously I don't have a garden.  Oh I have one alright, actually two.  They just belong to other people now.  Bitter?  You bet.  That's a lot of hard work to leave behind for someone else to enjoy, and then to destroy or tend as they see fit.  I try to make myself think of it as a gift.  Yeah, that's what I was thinking last spring when my x husbands gf was helping him with my garden....... shovel to the..... nothing.....

Anyway.  I plant a few pots of flowers here, but that's it.  Two years ago I talked to my sister about starting a vegetable garden.  She has a HUGE yard.  It went like this:

Me: How would you feel about me planting a veggie garden in the back yard?  I really want a garden and you know you guys would get most of the vegetables.

Sis: You know I don't garden.  I'm not taking care of a garden.

Me:  Hello?  Did I ask you to?  I just want a 4x6 space in your huge yard!

Sis:  Oh, o.k.  I'll ask Tom what he thinks.

Me:  Thanks.

A day later........

Sis:  Yep, Tom says great.  He'll even get you the boards and the dirt.

Me:  YEAH!

A week later.......

The garden is two gardens, in and fully planted.  NOT by me.  I'm not sure what part of the above conversation I did not understand.  So I once again had no garden, but I did enjoy some nice cucumbers and tomato.

So last summer arrives and I have no interest in the garden cause I'm still peeved about what happened.  Tom shows interest at first, but is too busy to really tend it and the garden gives a bit, but becomes the garden o' weedin'.  He didn't bother to clear it out last fall, and as I've mentioned my sister doesn't garden.  So there it sat, a wild mess.  I contemplated it a bit while I stayed there a few weeks ago taking care of Cierra, but certainly wasn't going to tackle THAT job.

Last week Tom tells my sister he's going to plow under both gardens and take them out because SHE shows no interest in it and HE doesn't have time.  HELLO...... AM I INVISIBLE?  So my sister tells me this and I remind her that I am the one who asked for the garden in the first place.  "Oh, so you did!"  So I did, and I do.  I spent a good chunk of this afternoon clearing one of them out.  It is enough for the veggies I want to grow.  I'm contemplating the other one.  I could try my hand at zucchini, summer squash, and pumpkin if I clear it out. 

Speaking of gardens, my second garden that lives with my x hub is going up for sale shortly.  I'm going to get the chive plant out of there and split it with my brother David.  He likes the herbs and veggies.  My brother Jerry is more about the flowers.  I'm also going to pop out my gorgeous bleeding heart plants and put them in up town at Steve's parents house, the house that will now belong to him.  When they bought that place, before Steve was born in '57 Ruth had bleeding heart in the front.  It only seems appropriate.  I hope she likes them. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011


*Big sigh*

Last night Lisa and I decided to forgo the usual happy hour and head to C's, where the food is good and the drinks are cheap.  There is albeit an older crowd.  Nice folks though, and very good service.  It used to be our regular stop, but the smoke was so thick you could cut it, and I couldn't.  So we switched to The Shack, and we love the Shack.

Anyway, there we are, sitting at a high table with those tall chairs I can barely climb into, and importantly, sitting on the outside by the aisle.  We're chatting away about deadbeat sperm donors, and potential new neighbors with muscles rippling....... oh yeah, it could happen.  I'll know today I think. 

All of the sudden there is a presence very much in my "bubble".  He is still about a foot taller than me while I'm sitting on the chair.  He's so close I can't see him, and he says "Hi" to Lisa.  So I think he knows her and is just being really rude by standing so close to me.  Then........ he does that nudge thing that some men do.  Slides in and nudges my shoulder with his and says.  "Haven't seen you in awhile."  Ok.  I have mentioned before that I don't like to be touched.  People who don't know me, or are acquaintances need to keep out of my space bubble.  So now I'm already in panic mode because that's what happens.

I turn to look at him, which puts me in the "kiss" position because he's so close.  Hello Grandpa.  Yes, he's at least 75, with very nice bright blue eyes, not bad looking for a Grandpa, but I am absolutely freaked out.  Plus, I have a photographic memory.  I did NOT know this man.  I could have been casually introduced once upon a time, but even then I usually remember.

He does not move out of my space.  "How have you been?"  I can't even think because it was so unexpected and really upsets me.  I believe I said.  "Good, how are you?"  He said something about enjoying retirement and it being 16 16 years since he retired or saw me last I could not say.  He said good-bye and walked off.  That was probably the point where he realized I was not the person he thought I was?? 

So Lisa continues the conversation wherever we left it, and I am staring at her blankly.  Finally I just said. "Who the hell was that?"  She was like "Uh, I don't know.  I thought you KNEW him."  I said "No."  She started laughing and I started saying NO TOUCHING.  Over and over, angrily, like I do when someone gets in my space and I don't like it.  Then the horny old man jokes start and that doesn't help.  :)  Thanks for your support Ms. Lisa.  Ahhhh payback......

So why do some men do this?  If you are a "nudger" KNOCK IT OFF.  If you touch people you barely know while talking to them.  STAY IN YOUR OWN SPACE, IT'S CREEPY!  I react one of two ways, panic mode, or you are going to get punched.  One time I almost clipped a Dad at the old center who did it.  Afterwards I looked at my assistant Tom and I didn't have to say anything.  "I know.  He touched you.  Glad you didn't hit him."

I choose to think that this man mistook me for someone else, someone he knew well and that's why he got so up in my business.  If he was just plain hitting on me........... let's not go there.  My friend Jen says take it as a compliment......I'll send him her way if I see him again.  Although I plan on avoiding C's for awhile!

*Yes!  I met a potential new neighbor who is about 45, single, and H O T!  Here's hoping, cause he's going to cut the grass here........and I'm really looking forward to that!  It's ok for me to say that, cause I'm not all up in his space, and I'm just admiring his attributes......... as IF things haven't ever been said about don't preach.  lol

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fairies ( a joke)

My friend Jennifer sent me this joke, and I laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed.  My remaining neighbors probably think I've lost it. :)  Oh well.  If any of you have had a rough week, and are female, I'm sure you will get a kick out of it too.  Here's to the weekend, and to fairies with a sense of humor!!

40 years of marriage..
A married couple in their early 60s are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.
Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table.
She said, 'For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish'

The wife answered, 'Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband
The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - two tickets for the Queen Mary II appeared in her hands.

The husband thought for a moment: 'Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again. I'm sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me.
The wife, and the fairy, were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish.

So the fairy waved her magic wand and poof!...
The husband became 92 years old.

The moral of this story:

Men who are ungrateful bastards should remember fairies are female.....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I just heard a news flash about a man who was dressed up as Batman arrested for trespassing.  Immediately my mind flies to "Ty".  Ty was a kid who lived next to my Aunt and Uncle in Madison, WI.  Twice a year we would play with and stare in amazed wonderment at this odd duck.  We didn't have anything like him back home.  He definitely danced to the beat of his own drum.

On one of our later visits to Madison,  A.D. (after David) Ty had, what he called, a monorail in his yard.  Pablo has one, and it's really called a zip line.  We had an awesome time whipping from one end of the yard to the other.  For some reason I got in huge trouble from my Uncle Joe for going barefoot.  It was an odd thing, who cares if you're barefoot?  He wouldn't budge and told me to put on the shoes or go to my room.  I was angry at him and went stomping off (carrying my shoes) to what was my room for the visit.  I don't think he expected that one.  I remember him coming up and talking softly to me about his reasoning, which I can't recall, and I put my stupid shoes on.  My uncle was not a soft talker, ever.  That's probably why I remember it.

Anyway, back to Ty.  At some point since our last visit he decided that he was Batman.  Not playing batman, he WAS Batman.  He would run around fighting crime, and we would either stare blankly at him, or shake our heads, but he had the zip line, so we tolerated his oddness.  I think he was my age, so he would have been at least nine at the time.  Shortly after we returned home his obsession turned to Superman.  My Uncle told me on the phone one night that Ty had broken his arm.  He ordered a Superman kit in the mail, (garbage bag cape) went up on the garage roof, and jumped off because he was after all Superman, and could fly.  Uh, yeah..... not so much.

I often wonder what became of Ty.  I now realize that he was more than likely developmentally disabled, kind of a Forest Gump type.  While we thought he was weird, I'm glad that we were always kind to him.  Even if it was because we wanted to play on his zip line......  Holy Oddballs Batman!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Crazy Cat Lady

Well here it is Milk fans!  She finally has her own blog.  Too much of a diva to share with Mom anymore.  You can find the latest antics of Ms. Milkie Meys here.   

Yes, I am aware that I walk a fine line between sanity and crazy cat ladydom, but you know what?  I get more comments about the Milk blogs than anything else, so perhaps I'm crazy alright, crazy like a fox!  It's late, I'm exhausted, the newest Robin Hood movie stinks, and that's it for now. :)  My shortest blog on record to be sure!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Mother's Love

Today my Mother would have been proud of me. There are many days that she wouldn't have been...... and in fact, wasn't. I like to think that I taught my very strict Catholic mother that everything in this world is not either black or white. There are many, many shades of gray in between. Things she said to me later in her life confirmed that perhaps she did understand, although in good conscience could never approve, or at least admit out loud that she did. :)

Yesterday I visited with my (x) Mother in Law for what would be the final time, and I knew going in that it would likely be. As we sat together and she drifted in and out I thought "Gee, this is a very Catholic woman, there is probably something we should be doing." She had received the sacrament of Last Rites a few days prior, so I don't mean that, but something that would comfort her at that moment. So as I often do in these situations I consulted my Mother. "Alright Ruthie, what should I do?" I sat there for a moment, wracking my brain. Did all my years of Catholic education teach me anything? Then the blue prayer book popped into my brain. Although I'm no longer a practicing Catholic I own one and I know where it is. My Grandma used to read that book a couple of times every day. Ruth (yes our Mother's had the same name) had one somewhere in the house, I had seen it when I cleaned for her. So I asked her if she wanted me to find it and read to her, and she did. Judy located it, and I just read through, picking random prayers.

When Steve came in the room and sat down and heard me reading the stations of the cross he kind of lost it. Which in turn got me going, but I did not falter. In fact she reached over and squeezed my hand, hard. So I sucked it up the best I could and soldiered on. It is the last memory I have of her, and I will treasure it always.

We had a typical Mother in Law, Daughter in Law, love/hate relationship. I was between her and "The Golden Boy" and that was not always a pleasant place to be. However, for the last year and a half I have been cleaning for her. It gave us the opportunity to really cement a friendship, that had nothing to do with him. I will always be grateful for that opportunity.

Steve told me that this morning when they knew her time was near the four kids sat around her and read prayers from the blue book. She just slipped peacefully away. I told him I was glad they had done that, because it would have been exactly what she wanted. He looked at me and said "Well, we took the cue from you." Yes, my Mother was proud of me today.

So for the first time in my life, ALL of my mother's day greetings will be lifted up in a prayer on Sunday. Grandmothers, Godmother, Mother, Mother-in Law, so many wonderful women who each in their own way have helped shape me into the woman that I am today. I miss you, and I love you, God keep you til we meet again. ♥

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Life, death, and Everything Inbetween

This has been quite a week for me. My list of blogs has been pushed aside, and while I have had the time to write, I have had no inclination. More likely I couldn't find the words, or didn't want to write them down. Things become very real, at least for me, when I write them down. You can't hide from it, there it is in black and white.

Lets see, we'll start with Easter Sunday. The family all gathered at Kate's house, and we did have a "grand ol' time". The weather held, the eggs were hunted for, the presents doled out, the kite almost immediately in the tree, good food, good company. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves, and that's what it's all about. Living life, enjoying the people you love and who love you. That was really brought home Sunday night while looking at the paper. A girl I knew who was a year behind me in school was in the obituaries. Nothing brings your mortality home quicker.

My sister Kate has a history of aneurysms. Early Monday morning she and her husband left for the cities to have a 3d angeogram of two that are newly arrived. She turned out to be a viable candidate for a new procedure called "coiling". They attempted that surgery on Tuesday, but very near the end the Dr. nicked the vein with the wire, halting everything. They had given her too many anti-coagulating meds to continue. So, now they (Dr. included) know that she really is a good candidate, and the Dr. really feels if she comes back in a month or so that he will be able to help her. That's all that came of this trip though, that information and a good caramel nut bun from Tobies.

I spent last week living at my sisters, taking care of Cierra. It went pretty well, but it is an exhausting task to be sure. She is five, but functions more at a two year old level. It requires a bit of lifting, but my back held, so it's all good. I think I only said one bad word the entire time, it was a doozy, so it's a good thing she doesn't usually repeat things. :) I was changing the crib sheet at 2 a.m. and it pulled off and shot and the F bomb flew before I could stop it.

Meanwhile, my ex Mother in Law is dying. She has cancer, and emphasema, and has been fighting these for a few years. I should mention that she is ninety. The last week things have really snowballed, and my x husband just called a few minutes ago to tell me they are giving her a week to live. I'm glad I sat with her a week ago for a few hours and visited, and also that I stopped by last night with some lemon sherbert and had a little dessert with her. I'm glad I told her that I love her, and got to hear her say it back. Today she is bedridden, confused, and will likely remain so. Not having that closure with my own Mother made this very important to me. Although I shouldn't say that, because I did say I love you to my Mom the last day I saw her alive. I just had no idea it would be the last time I'd hear her say it back.

My Great Uncle Bill also passed away a few days ago. While it was also expected, it's never an easy thing. He was a snowbird who settled in Arizona for his final years, and I assume that like his wife, my Aunt Pat, there will be some sort of funeral up here also. It will be good to see my Dad's side of the family again. It's just a shame that funerals are the only time I ever see most of them.

Leon went out of town for a week, so he dropped Sam off on Friday morning. I stopped home on my way to work just to see that she and Milky were settled and drop off my bag. Then after work I came home and snuggled with both of them. I'm glad to have Sam this week, as she truly is my comfort. Hmm..... if I change the locks, possession is still 9/10th of the law right? I was supposed to have the goovers last night, but canceled earlier in the week when it was clear I'd be at CeCe's at least til Friday morning. Maybe next weekend, depending on how this week goes. They do take my mind off of things, that's for sure! I just needed some "me"time to get back on my game.

Thanks to my co-workers for covering for me, and to Grandma Dorin for babysitting for me. Unfortunately we'll be doing it again sometime soon I believe. :) To my LaVerdiere family, all my love, thoughts, and prayers are with you as you send Uncle Bill home. Lastly to my own (never x) family. What you've done for Ruth, keeping her home as she requested, and caring for her, is very admirable. I am praying for you, and if there's anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask.