Life Lessons


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden O' Weedin'

I love to garden, it is in my blood.  It is in both of my brothers' blood, and it comes from our Father.  Who for the record did not teach any of us, we were not to touch or to bother.  Unless of course a big frost was coming and we had to hurry after school to pick the last of the tomato, toss them into clothes baskets and put them in the basement.  I might add that it was sleeting at the time.  My Mother's idea of heaven would be a cement block in the middle of a big city.  My sister must take after her, she does NOT have the gardening gene.

Living in the apartment, obviously I don't have a garden.  Oh I have one alright, actually two.  They just belong to other people now.  Bitter?  You bet.  That's a lot of hard work to leave behind for someone else to enjoy, and then to destroy or tend as they see fit.  I try to make myself think of it as a gift.  Yeah, that's what I was thinking last spring when my x husbands gf was helping him with my garden....... shovel to the..... nothing.....

Anyway.  I plant a few pots of flowers here, but that's it.  Two years ago I talked to my sister about starting a vegetable garden.  She has a HUGE yard.  It went like this:

Me: How would you feel about me planting a veggie garden in the back yard?  I really want a garden and you know you guys would get most of the vegetables.

Sis: You know I don't garden.  I'm not taking care of a garden.

Me:  Hello?  Did I ask you to?  I just want a 4x6 space in your huge yard!

Sis:  Oh, o.k.  I'll ask Tom what he thinks.

Me:  Thanks.

A day later........

Sis:  Yep, Tom says great.  He'll even get you the boards and the dirt.

Me:  YEAH!

A week later.......

The garden is two gardens, in and fully planted.  NOT by me.  I'm not sure what part of the above conversation I did not understand.  So I once again had no garden, but I did enjoy some nice cucumbers and tomato.

So last summer arrives and I have no interest in the garden cause I'm still peeved about what happened.  Tom shows interest at first, but is too busy to really tend it and the garden gives a bit, but becomes the garden o' weedin'.  He didn't bother to clear it out last fall, and as I've mentioned my sister doesn't garden.  So there it sat, a wild mess.  I contemplated it a bit while I stayed there a few weeks ago taking care of Cierra, but certainly wasn't going to tackle THAT job.

Last week Tom tells my sister he's going to plow under both gardens and take them out because SHE shows no interest in it and HE doesn't have time.  HELLO...... AM I INVISIBLE?  So my sister tells me this and I remind her that I am the one who asked for the garden in the first place.  "Oh, so you did!"  So I did, and I do.  I spent a good chunk of this afternoon clearing one of them out.  It is enough for the veggies I want to grow.  I'm contemplating the other one.  I could try my hand at zucchini, summer squash, and pumpkin if I clear it out. 

Speaking of gardens, my second garden that lives with my x hub is going up for sale shortly.  I'm going to get the chive plant out of there and split it with my brother David.  He likes the herbs and veggies.  My brother Jerry is more about the flowers.  I'm also going to pop out my gorgeous bleeding heart plants and put them in up town at Steve's parents house, the house that will now belong to him.  When they bought that place, before Steve was born in '57 Ruth had bleeding heart in the front.  It only seems appropriate.  I hope she likes them. 

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