Life Lessons


Saturday, May 14, 2011


*Big sigh*

Last night Lisa and I decided to forgo the usual happy hour and head to C's, where the food is good and the drinks are cheap.  There is albeit an older crowd.  Nice folks though, and very good service.  It used to be our regular stop, but the smoke was so thick you could cut it, and I couldn't.  So we switched to The Shack, and we love the Shack.

Anyway, there we are, sitting at a high table with those tall chairs I can barely climb into, and importantly, sitting on the outside by the aisle.  We're chatting away about deadbeat sperm donors, and potential new neighbors with muscles rippling....... oh yeah, it could happen.  I'll know today I think. 

All of the sudden there is a presence very much in my "bubble".  He is still about a foot taller than me while I'm sitting on the chair.  He's so close I can't see him, and he says "Hi" to Lisa.  So I think he knows her and is just being really rude by standing so close to me.  Then........ he does that nudge thing that some men do.  Slides in and nudges my shoulder with his and says.  "Haven't seen you in awhile."  Ok.  I have mentioned before that I don't like to be touched.  People who don't know me, or are acquaintances need to keep out of my space bubble.  So now I'm already in panic mode because that's what happens.

I turn to look at him, which puts me in the "kiss" position because he's so close.  Hello Grandpa.  Yes, he's at least 75, with very nice bright blue eyes, not bad looking for a Grandpa, but I am absolutely freaked out.  Plus, I have a photographic memory.  I did NOT know this man.  I could have been casually introduced once upon a time, but even then I usually remember.

He does not move out of my space.  "How have you been?"  I can't even think because it was so unexpected and really upsets me.  I believe I said.  "Good, how are you?"  He said something about enjoying retirement and it being 16 16 years since he retired or saw me last I could not say.  He said good-bye and walked off.  That was probably the point where he realized I was not the person he thought I was?? 

So Lisa continues the conversation wherever we left it, and I am staring at her blankly.  Finally I just said. "Who the hell was that?"  She was like "Uh, I don't know.  I thought you KNEW him."  I said "No."  She started laughing and I started saying NO TOUCHING.  Over and over, angrily, like I do when someone gets in my space and I don't like it.  Then the horny old man jokes start and that doesn't help.  :)  Thanks for your support Ms. Lisa.  Ahhhh payback......

So why do some men do this?  If you are a "nudger" KNOCK IT OFF.  If you touch people you barely know while talking to them.  STAY IN YOUR OWN SPACE, IT'S CREEPY!  I react one of two ways, panic mode, or you are going to get punched.  One time I almost clipped a Dad at the old center who did it.  Afterwards I looked at my assistant Tom and I didn't have to say anything.  "I know.  He touched you.  Glad you didn't hit him."

I choose to think that this man mistook me for someone else, someone he knew well and that's why he got so up in my business.  If he was just plain hitting on me........... let's not go there.  My friend Jen says take it as a compliment......I'll send him her way if I see him again.  Although I plan on avoiding C's for awhile!

*Yes!  I met a potential new neighbor who is about 45, single, and H O T!  Here's hoping, cause he's going to cut the grass here........and I'm really looking forward to that!  It's ok for me to say that, cause I'm not all up in his space, and I'm just admiring his attributes......... as IF things haven't ever been said about don't preach.  lol

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