Life Lessons


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Life, death, and Everything Inbetween

This has been quite a week for me. My list of blogs has been pushed aside, and while I have had the time to write, I have had no inclination. More likely I couldn't find the words, or didn't want to write them down. Things become very real, at least for me, when I write them down. You can't hide from it, there it is in black and white.

Lets see, we'll start with Easter Sunday. The family all gathered at Kate's house, and we did have a "grand ol' time". The weather held, the eggs were hunted for, the presents doled out, the kite almost immediately in the tree, good food, good company. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves, and that's what it's all about. Living life, enjoying the people you love and who love you. That was really brought home Sunday night while looking at the paper. A girl I knew who was a year behind me in school was in the obituaries. Nothing brings your mortality home quicker.

My sister Kate has a history of aneurysms. Early Monday morning she and her husband left for the cities to have a 3d angeogram of two that are newly arrived. She turned out to be a viable candidate for a new procedure called "coiling". They attempted that surgery on Tuesday, but very near the end the Dr. nicked the vein with the wire, halting everything. They had given her too many anti-coagulating meds to continue. So, now they (Dr. included) know that she really is a good candidate, and the Dr. really feels if she comes back in a month or so that he will be able to help her. That's all that came of this trip though, that information and a good caramel nut bun from Tobies.

I spent last week living at my sisters, taking care of Cierra. It went pretty well, but it is an exhausting task to be sure. She is five, but functions more at a two year old level. It requires a bit of lifting, but my back held, so it's all good. I think I only said one bad word the entire time, it was a doozy, so it's a good thing she doesn't usually repeat things. :) I was changing the crib sheet at 2 a.m. and it pulled off and shot and the F bomb flew before I could stop it.

Meanwhile, my ex Mother in Law is dying. She has cancer, and emphasema, and has been fighting these for a few years. I should mention that she is ninety. The last week things have really snowballed, and my x husband just called a few minutes ago to tell me they are giving her a week to live. I'm glad I sat with her a week ago for a few hours and visited, and also that I stopped by last night with some lemon sherbert and had a little dessert with her. I'm glad I told her that I love her, and got to hear her say it back. Today she is bedridden, confused, and will likely remain so. Not having that closure with my own Mother made this very important to me. Although I shouldn't say that, because I did say I love you to my Mom the last day I saw her alive. I just had no idea it would be the last time I'd hear her say it back.

My Great Uncle Bill also passed away a few days ago. While it was also expected, it's never an easy thing. He was a snowbird who settled in Arizona for his final years, and I assume that like his wife, my Aunt Pat, there will be some sort of funeral up here also. It will be good to see my Dad's side of the family again. It's just a shame that funerals are the only time I ever see most of them.

Leon went out of town for a week, so he dropped Sam off on Friday morning. I stopped home on my way to work just to see that she and Milky were settled and drop off my bag. Then after work I came home and snuggled with both of them. I'm glad to have Sam this week, as she truly is my comfort. Hmm..... if I change the locks, possession is still 9/10th of the law right? I was supposed to have the goovers last night, but canceled earlier in the week when it was clear I'd be at CeCe's at least til Friday morning. Maybe next weekend, depending on how this week goes. They do take my mind off of things, that's for sure! I just needed some "me"time to get back on my game.

Thanks to my co-workers for covering for me, and to Grandma Dorin for babysitting for me. Unfortunately we'll be doing it again sometime soon I believe. :) To my LaVerdiere family, all my love, thoughts, and prayers are with you as you send Uncle Bill home. Lastly to my own (never x) family. What you've done for Ruth, keeping her home as she requested, and caring for her, is very admirable. I am praying for you, and if there's anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask.

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