Life Lessons


Sunday, October 30, 2011

One of the Guys

Last night I got to go out with the guys!  We headed over to Shultz' to watch the Badger game, and then enjoyed watching all of the Halloween revelers arrive in costume.  I even kept up pretty well with the drinking, but lets face it....... I'm not one of the guys. :)  At ten thirty I switched to pop, which was stupid.  When I got home I couldn't sleep, not from alcohol, but from too much caffeine.  Next time I'll go with water.  Maybe there will be a next time?  I behaved myself, and I don't think that they censored themselves too much.  They didn't need to at all for my benefit, I'm really hard to offend actually. 

A funny creeper thing happened, because it always does...... but this time it was a 30 something, 6'4 dressed in a baseball uniform, longer hair, sunglasses, SMOKIN HOT.  Funny how when someone like that decides to share half my bar chair and put his arm around me you don't hear the words "no touching".  *shrug*

So I'm watching the game, trying to talk over the crowd noise, and someone taps me on the shoulder.  I turn around and it's the hot guy.  He gives me a quarter.  I'm sort of intoxicated, so I'm confused (ok, I would have been confused anyway) say thanks? and he walks away.  This happens every time he comes up for a refill.  (I left the quarters for the lovely referee barmaids.......who were dressed more provocatively than the Superior Housewives at Aces, but WAITED ON US AND REMEMBERED WHAT WE WERE DRINKING EVEN THOUGH THERE WERE A HUNDRED PEOPLE PACKED IN THE SMALL BAR)  PS. You should go to Shultz', it's an awesome atmosphere.  Very friendly people.

Then Darrin and Brian left the bar to rummage for a pizza to cook (they are regulars enough to do that) and Mr. Baseball re-appears.  He just shifts me over in my chair, takes a seat and puts his arm around me.  I look up at him and say "Where's my quarter?"  He gets up, dumps all the change out of his wallet onto the bar, and snuggles back into my seat.  Puts his arm around me, gives me a squeeze, and then he's off into the night before the guys return.

I looked at Darrin and I said "I can't prove it, but this is what just happened."  Although there was a pile of change on the bar, and plenty of other witness' if I need them.

So I had fun being out with the guys.  Darrin and I always have a good time together, and I really enjoyed meeting his friend Brian, he's hilarious.  Then there's Mr. Baseball......  Come on.  You have to give me that one.  After all the weird creeper things that have happened to me in the last few months I was due.  Overdue. 

The cereal killer and the Bob Ross costumes really rocked!  There was also this hot hillbilly named Melvin....... who looked amazingly like my friend Melanie........ and I think I even had a Boomer Cummings sighting!  All in all, a great way to spend October 29th.  Thanks Darrin ♥ I owe you one.

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