Life Lessons


Saturday, October 8, 2011


Ahhhhhh fall!  Today Steve and I made the trek to Bayfield Wisconsin to enjoy the Apple Festival with about ten thousand of our closest friends. I'm not really that much for crowds, so we arrive in the morning and kind of grow with it.  Then somewhere around noon I will look around and say ENOUGH!  I made it until one o'clock today, but did have a comfort zone to return to.  Melanie and Les (Copper Moon Pottery) were at the fest with their pottery.  Glad to see them doing well, and glad to see they are now making candle holders!  I'm a candle freak, but this isn't about that.  I'll see them sometime this evening as they are spending the night on my couch/air mattress.  Nice to be able to have some good visiting time, it's kind of hard when they are working! (as it should be)

You will note that I went to the fest with my Xhub.  It's something we used to do every other year when we were together.  I haven't been back since we split, so I guess it's been five years.  It was the last thing we did as a married couple in fact.  Anyway......   I never know how spending time with Steve is going to go, and I got ticked off right at the start, so I though it was going to be a rough day.  Then sometimes it's just awkward, but not this time.  We had a great time talking, listening to music ♫ Sweet Caroline...... bah, bah, bah ♫, and enjoying the gorgeous day!  Donuts and pumpkin spice coffee for the ride, and just a good time.

I wasn't exaggerating on the number of people who attend this thing!  When we headed out there were still cars streaming into the place.  It hit 80 here today, so people were really out in force.  It probably was tough on all the hat/mitten/sweater vendors, who the heck thinks about that when it's 80?  I bought some lip balm, apples, and some cinnamon and sugar covered almonds.  I was so looking forward to having hot apple cider, but it was just too darn hot!  I'll make some apple crisp and applesauce this week when things cool down.

One interesting thing about being friends with your ex husband is that you get to hear the dating stories.  I'm far enough off of the relationship where these are more amusing than painful. I swore I would not blog about it, and I always keep my word.  Too bad, cause it's good.  This is the part I don't understand about men.  "It's never going to work in a million years, but I'm along for the ride for now."  Well why on earth don't you just end it and move on if you know that???  I would, and I do.  You are leading the other person to believe there could be a future.  MEN   Yes, I generalize, but as a rule they do this all the time.  It's so much easier (and kinder) to move on right away, before people become attached. 

It was fun to car trip with him like we used to.  It brought back some good memories, and further cemented this friendship that we are building, separate from who we were back in the day.  No matter what, Steve and I have always been friends.  I'm glad to be past the crap, and able to have that part of our relationship back. 

This isn't the most flattering pic of me, the wind was blowing like crazy....I don't part my bangs to the side.  He asked me not to blog his relationships, but he didn't say I couldn't post his mug. :) (I probably forgot to ask.)  So twenty years later, here we are.  Happily divorced.

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