Life Lessons


Saturday, March 10, 2012


I do have a real blog to write, and I will get to that one later, or tomorrow, or whenever. :)  It shouldn't be too long, as the story is formulating in my head at the moment.  This one is just a general commentary about me, life, etc.

New Job:  Perhaps I WAS meant to grow up and be a receptionist!  I am really amazed at how quickly I caught on to how things work.  On day two, due to the blizzard, I had to solo.......and I rocked it!  Not to say that I'm not making mistakes, but everyone has been really great about answering questions and cleaning up "boo-boo's".  I'm already at the point where I realize I've made a mistake right after it happens, and can sometimes correct it on my own. :)  I can tell that Fridays are going to be rough, but even then the stress level of a ten hour Friday doesn't equal the stress level of one hour on a bad day at preschool.  THAT is no exaggeration.

Old Job:  Stopped by on Thursday afternoon (loving the Thursdays off) and read the kiddo's a leprechaun story.  Then we learned and danced the leprechaun song!  The old man of the group wanted to "Hokey Pokey" and the baby wanted to "Waddle" so we did.  Jen and Tom included. :)  I'm glad I can still have that opportunity, because I would miss it.  Actually though, that's the only thing I would miss.  When I walked through the door I was glad to see them, and when I walked out I was glad to go.  Someday I'm going to write some things about child care in general....... but not today.

Winter:  Winter finally arrived, in the form of a raging blizzard that shut down the city, and then a few days later Lake Superior created it's own low pressure system and dumped ten unexpected (even by the weather folks) inches of snow on us.  Now today on into next week it's supposed to be in the high forties, maybe even fifties, so winter around here lasted about a week this year.  I just wish it had been in January where it belongs.  Although March can be our biggest snow month, here's hoping we don't get anymore. 

Bachelors: I haven't heard a peep out of bachelor number two, so whether or not the girl knows, I'm sure he does. :) Boomer would like me to push the issue, but the truth is, I just don't care to.  I'm clear of it, and that's all that matters.  I had another date with number four last week, and it went very well.  He's very much a gentleman, and I do appreciate that!  Now there's some work business on his end, so I'm not really sure when I will see him again, but we talk every day.  I chat from time to time with a couple others in the pond, but haven't gotten "hooked" :)  Apathetic seems to be a good word for me at the moment.  While I enjoy going out, I can tell that I'm nowhere near ready to have someone in my space for longer periods of time.

Me:  Which brings us to me.  Yes, I know the whole thing was about me.  It's my corner after all.  Do you really want me to write about YOU?  Well, I will....... but it will have to wait for the day when I'm done working for the man and am my own boss. :)  So it will be awhile.  However, my feet are planted on the right path, and I'm really enjoying working toward a better future for myself, and the Milkster.  I went shopping the other day, and for the first time since the divorce (five years) I was able to go into a store and just buy what I needed and a few things I've wanted, and I didn't have to do any mental adding.  I could just buy it.  That feeling was amazing. 

The Blog: When checking my stats lately I am noticing more and more readers from around the world, which never ceases to amaze me!  I have several page views a day now, whether I write something or not.  Thank you all for stopping by, I hope you hang around.  The next part of my journey looks to be pretty interesting!  Feel free to leave comments any time.  While most comments come on my facebook page, from my friends, I would surely love to hear from anyone right here on the blog!!

I know that I haven't blogged in a week, it's the inner shifting of self, if that makes any sense.  The strong, out there, totally in command self that had to run the bruhaha ,on her feet most of the day at preschool has had to give way to a softer, more sympathetic, sit on her butt all day, have to use more of her brain power self.  Although I have issued my first time out warning. :)  It was yesterday for those of you in the pool.  I can't even remember the whole thing, just a guy joking around telling me riddles, wondering if I could "handle" his attitude.  I told him that in my last life I was a preschool teacher, so I was pretty sure that I could. :)   We all know I'm not a fan of adults and their nonsense, but I have really met some great people in the last two weeks!  I think now that I have grown some, and am more of a people watcher, it has become easier to be more accepting.  

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