Life Lessons


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jessie's Girl


This evening Vicki, Kate, and I headed down to Black Bear Casino to catch Rick Springfield in concert!  I'm not sure how many times Vicki has seen him, as she stalks him all over the great state of Minnesota.  This is the third time for me.  We went with her once to Mystic Lake a few years back, and she took me to Vegas in '03 to see him in a show.  I heard tell tonight that there is a Rick Springfield cruise...........

The gals picked me up (late) and we headed off into the snowy afternoon.  The buffet was a rushed affair, because the drive also put us behind schedule.  I didn't realize how close we were to concert time and had to forgo dessert. :(  We got to our seats with literally five minutes to spare, but that was o.k. It's boring to sit there and wait!

The emcee came on and announced that they would be giving away front row seats to a lucky winner.  The number was called, and of course it wasn't ours.  Then the dude who "won" comes on stage with his girlfriend.  He takes the mike and starts a spiel, and the audience can tell where it's going, but the girl didn't get it until just about the time when he proposed.  It was very sweet.  Not a ticket contest at all, but a surprise proposal.  Actually brought a tear to my eye before I said "Run honey, run!" to Vicki, who just can not appreciate that kind of humor. *evil grin

What an awesome concert!  The crowd at Black Bear was kind of dull, which we found to be the case during .38 Special last year too.  They stand, but don't move around at all.  Not us.  We sang and danced our hearts out!  If I wanted to sit and watch quietly I'd turn on the old MTV.  All the favorites were represented, with a cover of Paul McCartney's "Jet" also that was really good!  We were singing and dancing to "Love is Alright" and at one point in the song Vicki yelled ( you cant hear unless you yell) to me, "Did we used to count during this part of the song?"  I laughed, and she asked "Why?"  "Cheer leading," was my reply........ and then I showed her. 

I love the way Rick always comes into the crowd and interacts with the audience.  He even did it during the Vegas show.  That show was freaking amazing, by the way.  Well worth the five days of hell that Vicki and I put each other through.  Well....... mostly.  I wouldn't want him that close to me, he gets EXTREMELY sweaty.  Plus he's skinny as a scarecrow, and that's not for me.  At one point he took off his shirt and the women went wild.  Vicki and I kind of winced at each other, but I must say.... I could see his abs on the jumbo tron.  He works out.  :)

On our way from the buffet to the show we passed by a woman in a leopard print spandex "dress" that was practically up to her hooha.  To top it off she had a gold chain around her neck with the word COUGAR in huge letters.  Ok, if she was thirty I'll give you a nickel.  Then after the show we went back to gamble a little bit, and this is where I lost the five bucks Vicki gave me. (I don't gamble, I always lose.) 

The machine actually played the song "Man Eater" by Hall and Oats when you pressed the button.  I was laughing my head off, and that alone was worth the five bucks I immediately lost into it!

Arrived home to find that it was snowing like crazy in Superior.  It must be lake effect snow because it wasn't snowing anywhere else.  Aren't we lucky?  Looked like about four more inches since I last shoveled at two.  Do we have to have winter all in one week???

Had an awesome time tonight!  My throat is sore from screaming and singing.  There were two older ladies a few rows ahead of us, dressed kind of "proper" and mildly moving to the music.  Vicki pointed them out to me, and asked if I thought that would be us someday.  I do think so, but I doubt there will be anything mild or proper about it. :)  Sometimes you just have to let loose!  I'm hoping by then the smoking ban extends to casino's.  Ugh, I smell like an ash tray!!! 

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