Life Lessons


Friday, July 27, 2012

TV or Not TV

I have blogged a lot about the television lately, which is odd and unusual because honestly I don't really watch that much TV.  Well, at my house anyway.  I don't have cable, there are actual rabbit ears sticking out the tops of my two TV's.  I have no plans for cable, or dish, ever.  There just isn't enough programming that would interest me to justify spending the money on it.  Hillbillies are entertaining......when it isn't my dime.  It's a novelty that would wear off quickly I'm sure.

This past week I participated in the Nielson TV survey.  When the guy called I told him that I never watch, but they wanted to pay me five dollars anyway, so I thought "What the heck?"  There are actually four working sets in my house, so I had to fill out four forms.  Two were easy, they aren't even plugged in.  The third took me a minute, it's in the bedroom and I watched Leno on it one night.  The last one.... well, I watched some TV last Thursday night, and last Sunday night.  There might have been a show on Monday, but that was it.  OH yes, I checked out Bachelor pad.  I did leave a comment to them about that one.  I have no plans to watch it again.

I do watch more television in the winter time.  I will check out new shows, and one or two will make the cut.  I'm really looking forward to the return of "Revenge" and "Castle".  I try to be around when they are on.  The TV is also on most evenings for background noise when it starts getting dark at 5 pm, or else I would be asleep by 7.  For whatever reason I am just noticing "Big Bang Theory" which is absolutely hilarious.  I will have to start that one from the beginning on Netflix.

I think we are staying in town this weekend, and there wont be much on the television, (although there should be some good Olympic stuff)  but I am prepared!  Zombieland just arrived from Netflix!!  Double Tap!  Hey..... I wonder if there are any Hillbilly Zombie shows out there??? THAT would be awesome!

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