Life Lessons


Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well it's that time.  Apparently I've been out of high school for twenty-five years.  That means it has been twenty-five years since I was a nanny in Madison, and twenty-five years since I obtained my Child Care Diploma.  Hard to believe since I'm only......... 35............ ;) 

I am really not a reunion kind of gal.  I see the folks I want, and with the invention of Facebook I can speak to pals around the globe on a daily basis if I choose.  I love it (fb) because you get a glimmer of what people are up to, and how their REAL life rolls.  Not the "look at me and my beautiful life" you are typically going to get from a reunion setting.  Lets add on top of that the fact that NONE of "my group" are going.  Not a soul.  Thanks guys. 

Every day brings news that more people I know are not coming to the reunion.  It's really very disappointing, but I get it.  I stayed away from our twenty year because the ten year was just so lame, plus it's also difficult on a very personal level, and I'm still not sure how well I'm going to deal with that, but I have to try.  If I stay home I don't have to face the fact that Wally will not be there.  If I go there's no way someone isn't going to bring him up to me, and if there is any kind of memorial for those who have passed on........well.....that would be a good time for me to be in the bathroom.

So I am going with a couple of gals from junior high, Lynn and Lisa, who were both on their own too, and Officer Dave, who is in town for the occasion.  He also happened to surprise me at the office today, which was fabulous!  I haven't seen him since high school, and I get a text at one o'clock saying "Let me in, the humidity is killing me!"  I thought he was joking, but there he was!

The dress I bought for the occasion arrived, was not fabulous.  Fail of epic proportion!  Lynn and I are going shopping tomorrow. :)  I have an old stand by that I could toss on, but I thought it would be fun to have something new.  I could write a blog about the failed dress, but I have the reunion to write about and the goovers are sleeping over tonight.  There's just not enough time!  I took my first vacation days from my new job so that I could cram everything in.

I guess this weekend is going to be more about meeting new people (my class had over 400 graduating so I did not know everyone) and getting re-acquainted with some old acquaintances, and probably doing a lot more listening than talking.  That way if there's anything crazy to blog I wont miss it!  I really want to bring a scrabble board to sit and play with Marie face to face.  Maybe teaming up with Lynn we could beat her.........

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