Life Lessons


Friday, August 31, 2012

Guardian Angels

Boy am I glad I wrote the birthday blog early!  At least the sixteen year old got one thing on her birthday that was all about her.  *Sigh* Let me tell ya 'bout having kids.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I don't have any.  That doesn't seem to get me free of the drama, excitement, worry, anxiety, etc. etc. etc. 

Yesterday morning I was kind of teary eyed.  For whatever reason, I get that way on Ashlyn's birthday.  It's probably because she's the oldest, and growing up at a pace faster than humanly possible!  At least it feels that way to me.  It also makes me miss my Mom, which I assume is because she and Ash were so close, and I just wish she could see the wonderful young woman Ashlyn is.  I assumed that's why my Mom appeared in a dream I had two nights ago.  I don't usually dream about either of my parents, or anyone else who has passed on, unless something is going on in my life.  Let me amend that.  Sometimes it happens right before something occurs in my life.  So I was mindful of it while I was thinking of Ash, but I chalked it up to the birthday.

Then at about 3:00 yesterday the texts/calls began.  Here's the short of it:  Caitlin (Tater), was playing at a friends house.  A company is siding the house, but they were working on the right side.  The three girls went out on the deck (left side) to have an ice cream cone, and a dude on the roof dropped a piece of flashing.  It hit Tater in the face, cutting her deeply.  She ended up having surgery to re-attach two nerves, and a third was bruised.  If that flashing had gone ANY deeper this would be a different blog.

As fate would have it, Taters parents were nowhere near by.  Mom was at home in Oliver, Dad was at work in Duluth. Her friends Grandma rode in the ambulance with her, and her parents met her at the hospital.  Hannah was left out at the friends house with Great Grandma, and I popped out of work to deliver her into Ti-Ti's (Kate) safe and comforting hands until someone could pick her up.  Ashlyn chose to stay at football practice.

By the time I was done at six Tater was heading in to surgery.  I swung by Kate's and picked up Hannah, then headed over to the high school to grab Ashlyn for some sort of birthday dinner.  That is when it happened.  "Auntie, can I go with my friend for dinner and back to her house?"  I knew it was coming.  Ditched.  Oh Ashlyn.  I didn't have the heart to be a bitch ( which I later said to her mother, in front of Hannah, who I then had to pay a quarter because of my language....) on her birthday and say no, so I sent her off with a "I am the adult in charge.  Do NOT get into trouble, and call me later."   

Hannah and I headed off to Kmart, because I don't have any Hannah treats at my house, which turned into Sunny D, goldfish crackers, a card and toy for Tater, and a toy for Hannah.  Then we watched Pocahontas and hung out.  I really needed to take a shower.  Hmmmm.... can I leave this one on her own for five minutes?  Probably.  "Do not open the door to anyone, come and get me.  Here's the cell phone, bring it to me if someone calls.  Don't burn down the house."  Midway through blow drying my hair Ashlyn called to be picked up, so Hannah and I headed out into the beautiful night, lit by the full "blue" moon to get her from her friends house. 

Thus began the moody teenager portion of the evening.  Luckily I am smart enough to know that when a teen asks for earphones they don't want to be bothered, and I can respect that.  Plus the part where she said "This birthday sucks butt. Can I have a do over?"  Kind of clued me in.  Hannah and I snuggled on the couch watching Rikki Tikki Tavi, and left Ash to her own devices.  My brother picked them up around ten thirty, and Caitlin had been released from the hospital at that time too. 

Tonight instead of Happy Hour on the deck I will be snuggling my Tater.  ( plus I hear there is HAM!)  As soon as work is done I have to go and hold that child.  I just have to.  So where does dreaming about my Mom fit into this? It could be that she was giving me a heads up to let me know I would be playing fill in for her again, it's kind of my job description these days, or just a reminder that she's looking out for us.  Which, in the case of Tater, is a full time job.

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