Life Lessons


Friday, August 17, 2012


Boy am I glad that I didn't pay one cent for the Fifty Shades books.  I'm probably about three quarters through the first one now.  This is the type of book I could have easily read in two or three nap times when I was working at the Y, and yet I can't seem to find the will to pick it up and finish it.  First, and foremost, because it isn't well written.  I actually did hear that from several people, but of course I had to look into this myself to see what is so interesting to all these women.

What you don't know:  I was an avid (and that word doesn't cover it) historical romance reader from the time I was twelve until....... maybe thirty-five?  I called them "brain candy" and devoured them as fast as I could get my hands on them.  These are what built my skewed view of relationships, and men in general.  That, however, is a different blog. Then I switched over to Chick Lit.  I read to relax, not to purposefully learn.  That being said, I can not tell you how much useless knowledge is floating around in my head from the historical novels!  My X and I were at some high faluting event once and the mucky mucks were talking about something that you would assume a preschool teacher would know nothing about. (No, I don't remember what it was.)  I put in my two cents and got some very impressed looks.  The X even took note and asked me later in the evening how on earth I knew anything about the subject.  I just shrugged my shoulders and said.  "Historical Romance Novels."

The other thing:  I wont read "crap".  Which I guess means that if it isn't well written, or doesn't grab me by page ten it goes into the give away pile.  This is the main reason I am struggling with the series.  Missy Christy, a former co-worker of mine said it best. "There was way better stuff in the books from the little glass room."  Which made me laugh.  She was right though, there was.  The little glass room was a room at the Y where we would do our planning, and there were shelves in there where we also shared books.  There were some doosies in there!

Plus:  Well, I'm not going to get very personal here, but things in that department are way more than fine thank you very much. :) (read as: smokin' hot)

So: I do get why these books are so popular, but that has much more to do with women and repressed sexuality than a well written book.  I haven't even seen anything so far to get in a tizzy about, but I am not part of the above category.  I was going to bring the entire series back to Sandy Hughitt tonight, and I might still if I run back home before Happy Hour.  I read so much less these days, and I certainly have better things in the house (twenty at least) to curl up with.

In Conclusion:  As my friend Mary pointed out, there's a lot better free erotica right on the Internet. :)  So if that floats your boat, you're welcome.  (Mary was always a good one for leading people astray......)

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