Life Lessons


Friday, August 24, 2012

Sweet Sixteen

When I was contemplating writing Ashlyn's birthday blog I thought it would be something along the lines of how fast time flies, or something witty about teenagers driving.  I never imagined in my wildest dreams that it would be about my niece being the only girl on the SHS football team!

Me:  Are a bunch of girls going out for the team?

Ash: Nope, just me.

Me:  Um........ why?

Ash:  To prove to myself that I can do it.

Ok.  I will accept that one, and you will too, unless you want to deal with me, and trust don't, especially where my kids are concerned.  :)  If she is able to hang with the big boys, then she should be allowed to.  The end.

So Ashlyn went to football camp. Her mother told me that she sat in the car for awhile, debating if she should actually do this.  I can't imagine how hard it was for her, as this girl is not an all....not even a little bit.  When she finally got out of the car her mother did mention that maybe next time she shouldn't wear mascara.  Immediately after that Ash learned another valuable lesson, printed underwear shows right through white football pants. :)  (Oh Ashlyn....)

She absolutely loved camp, and although she was trying out for kicker, they had her practicing at wide receiver and corner, where she currently is playing.  This concerns me.  You aren't supposed to touch a kicker, she would be fairly safe.  The other positions involve a lot of touching. 

Me:  How are the boys handling having a girl on the team?

Ash:  Good.  They are kind of protective of me actually.  It's cute.

Me: Uh, you do realize the other team is not going to be protective of you?

Ash:  Yep.

Me: Especially if they realize you are a girl?

Ash: Yep. I've got this.

Me:  Ok.......... 

I thought maybe Ash would change her mind before practice started in August, but nope, there she went merrily along.  I haven't heard anything about kicking the football.  The coach has her in at wide receiver on offense, and corner on defense.  This last week she was talking about tail-back.  She will be playing on the JV team, where she says she is more comfortable, but she suits up with everyone else for the Varsity games in case they need her.

I'm writing this birthday blog a few days early (It's the 30th) because I don't want it to be late. Her very first game (varsity) is tonight, and it's an away game, so I wont be there in person, but with her in spirit.  I used to play a lot of football myself growing up.  It was unheard of to let a girl play on the actual team, so I played, with the boys, without pads, and gave just as good as I got. 

So happy early birthday my sweet girl!  Uh..... I mean, you tough butt kicker!  Junior year in high school, and soon to be driving, the time has gone so fast!  I am so proud of everything you do, and I am proud that you proved to yourself you could do this.  I'm glad you've gotten so much support, from your coaches, team, family, and friends.  From little angel in a sundress playing in a mud puddle, to mascara wearing wide receiver for SHS.  Who would have thought?  Can't wait to see what you come up with next!  ♥  

P.S.  You are now "Baby Pigskin Pignose."

All My Love,

Auntie Pig Nose  xo

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