Life Lessons


Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I have been thinking about a New Years blog all day, but I can't seem to get it together.  Sometimes it's just best to sit and write, so here we are.  The new years eve meal has been eaten (stuffed pork chops) and The Man is snoring on the couch.  I will be nice and leave him be for a bit, we're going to have some drinks, and popcorn and a movie later. 

Neither of us is into the bar scene (happy hour with the girls is so NOT the bar scene) so we have never gone out on New Years Eve.   Wait! I'm realizing we did go out to Applebee's once, must have been our very first year together.  I got a gift card for Christmas, so we used it.  The other years we just have a good meal and watch a movie. 

When I was twenty-one I actually went to a bar (Birds) with a friend (boy, but not dating) on NYE.  That's the only time I can recall.  I had more fun on the holiday eve when I was a kid waiting for the ball to drop, or some of the things that happened on NYE in my teen years.  I am not ready to disclose those things, but one of them would be the reason you will never see me drink blackberry brandy.  Ever.

Tonight's the night for making resolutions.  Well, I'm fresh out.  Oh, I have things to work on, we all do, but I am not going to list them.  Who really follows through on those things past the second week of January anyway??

Tonight my head is filled with wonderful memories of NYE past, and of the people who are no longer here to share it with me.  Some have passed on, some are no longer in the area, and others aren't in my life anymore.  I am thankful for it all.  Except for the pink sweatshirt.  David, you owe me a sweatshirt!  Or just sit there while I coat you with orange silly string.  That seems fair.

I believe this is also blog #400.  Yeah, I can't believe it either!  I never could have imagined writing so much for so long.  Now, if I could only turn it into some cashola so I could work from home and not have to do the death drive in the dark every winter night!  Now there's a resolution!!

May you have a safe, happy, healthy 2014 filled with wonderful memories!

Friday, December 27, 2013


Or should I say Target.......

Yes, I was one of the unfortunates who shopped at Target during the credit card breach.  *sigh*  Not only did I shop, but I used my debit card, not a credit card.  "Oh, just cancel it."  Really?  It's Christmas, it's payday, and there are bills I need to pay with it!  So I took the chance nothing would happen, and nothing did.  The last item cleared my account this morning, and now I have canceled the card.  Well, sort of.  There isn't any activity allowed on it, but I have to actually show my mug at the C.U. to cancel it. (convenient)

So Monday I will try and take a break from work to handle that, and then it will be about ten days before my new card arrives, give or take with the New Year, of course.  How irritating, but worth it to be sure that my info can't be used.  Not that they would ever get very far, but it sure would cause a headache. 

I used to be more of a "cash" person, and would just write checks for bills, until the debit card came along.  Now I rarely have cash, and many places wont even take a check these days.  Hopefully I will remember to get some cash, I'm writing a check...... hmmmm....... how does that work again?  I will have to ask if I can write a check for $15 over the amount at the grocery store tonight, because I'm meeting Sandy Hughitt for lunch tomorrow, and if we go to Shorty's they wont take a check.

A great big thanks to whoever perpetrated this lil shindig.  Karma is a bitch. :)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Snow Goovers

My brother David traveled the country roads in the snow yesterday (it snows every day here now, I guess it's a thing) to help me get my computer hooked up.  It should have been a simple thing. A plug this end of the cord into the router and plug this end into the computer kind of a deal, but we all know how that goes.  At least in my world.

Of course the Goovers had to come along and check out Auntie's new house, and they finally got to meet Jacob!  They had so many questions and I heard "I love this house, when can we sleep over?" more than once.  More than ten times.......

I made sure their Dad brought them in full winter gear so I could take them down and show them the backyard and the valley.  We couldn't make it to the trout stream, the snow is just to deep, but they got to have a mini bonfire while their Daddy worked. 
Jake never knows what to think about people.  He wants to like them, but he just can't bring himself to get close enough to let them touch him.  The best way to handle him is totally ignore him and let him come around.  It was hard for Tater to do, she just wanted to pet him so badly.  He kept coming up to her and sniffing her, even her outstretched hand, but he just wouldn't settle in. 
While Tater sat in the chair at the bonfire he sniffed around the back of her, and in this picture they had actually just been nose to nose looking at each other.  As long as she didn't try to touch him, he was fine.  She just kept saying "Hi" to him, and telling me how cute he is.

Then Hannah asked if we had to stay outside the whole time, so I let them douse the fire with snow and we headed up the big hill to warm up and have some Christmas cookies!  The minute they were out of wet things, and had stolen two pairs of my socks, they started scoping it out.  "Where are the bedrooms for us?"  "Do you sleep with your boyfriend?"  "When can we sleep over?"  "Where did all those trophies come from?" "Where is your boyfriend?" When can we sleep over?"  "Can I live here?"  "I love that little bed, this is MY room!" "Can I sleep with Hannah?"

Jacob and I followed them from room to room, and then we finally all settled in the family room with cookies.  When Tater finished she found the their supply of dress up jewelry and sat with it on the floor, and Jake joined her nearby, but not quite close enough for Tater to touch him.

"I am going to fabulize this dog."

"Uh, no.  You're not."

"I have the best intestines."

"It's intentions, leave the dog alone."

"When can we sleep over?"

Finally David had everything hooked up, so we bundled the girls back up for their snowy drive home, to much protesting.  "We want to stay."  "We want to live here!" "Why can't we sleep over tonight??"  That one I had an answer for.  "Because I have to work tomorrow, and you don't have school."  Tater couldn't believe it.  "Why do you have to work so close to Christmas?"  My reply? "I don't know.  Ask Dr. Miller."  She looked at me with a very pouty face, crossed her arms over her chest, and said in a very crabby voice, "Dr. Grinch!" 

Then they had to show their Dad the BIG bathroom.  We all traipsed into the master bath and I noticed some water in the tub.  "You two yahoo's weren't messing with the tub were you?"  Two angelic faces turn toward me and reply in tandem, "No Auntie."  Then I heard the drip.  The skylight was leaking. Ah, just fabulous.

The Brown Eyed Man was already in the middle of fixing the plow truck, and he had to go into work (which is why he wasn't there) and now he would have to climb up and shovel off part of the roof.  This has already been a rough winter, and we're only two days in!  I can't wait til the girls see him on Christmas.  "When can we sleep over?" 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sneak A Peek

I researched the blogs I have written in the past about Christmas, just to make sure, but I was right, I haven't told you this one!  It isn't one of my finer qualities, and I would love to tell you that I have stopped doing it, but I wont lie. :)

Disclaimer: I'm not a snoop in general, I respect personal privacy, and I leave other people's things alone.  However, if I know there is a present for me just hanging out in the house, I am going to snoop it out.  I can't help it.  I think it's genetic.....

Once upon a time, oh we'll call it 1980, I found every one's Christmas gifts.  Not only did I find them, I showed my siblings, and Vicki, and we played with what we could.  I got a perfume set, and even tried most of them out.  My Mom had them in big garbage bags in the attic closet.  Now, I'm pretty sure I had to go in there for something else and stumbled onto the gifts, but around Christmas my nose just can't stay out of things.  It doesn't ruin it for me either.  I don't like surprises, and if I asked for something specific I WANT it, so it makes me all the more happy to know it's on it's way!

Last Christmas I wrote a letter to Santa, and I asked for several things, including a bird feeder and seed.

I got several things, and a billfold.  Eh?

I was staring at the billfold and this is how it went.

Browned Eyed Man: Don't you like it?  A billfold was an odd thing to ask for, I didn't really know what to get.

Me: Um.... I didn't ask for a billfold.

B.E.M.: Sure you did, it was on the list!

Me: Bird feeder.  What did you think "seed" meant?

B.E.M.: I thought it was a cute way to ask for cash in the billfold. (seed money)

I don't really know if I said anything else.  The only thing I really wanted was a bird feeder........ 

This year I made sure we went over the list!  Last night he came into the house hiding something behind his back.  I promised not to peek.  Later in the evening while I was relaxing in the tub I glanced to my right, and noticed the bag he had been hiding was sitting on top of the very tall cabinet in the master bath.  My first thought was, "well played."  My next one was, " I can reach that on a chair......"  Aaaaacckkk!  I'm trying to be good, but all I can think about is that damn bag. 

It had better not be another bill fold. ;)  ♫ Hurry Christmas, hurry fast!♫

Monday, December 16, 2013

Merry Christmas

It's time for my annual Merry Christmas!

Whatever you celebrate, may you have the holiday of your choosing!

This year it seems more people are freely using "Merry Christmas", and I'm glad to see it. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snowventure Memories

After I posted "Snowventure" the other day (yes, I am now afraid to go to the mailbox) my sister sent me this text.  "If my memory serves me correctly I believe that when we were kids we got a ton of snow one time and you climbed over our back fence into Grandma Meys' backyard and you sank up to your armpits in the snow.  I don't remember how we got you out though."

I had forgotten about that one!  We had to have been eight, seven, and six years old, and it must have been a snow day, or a day with no-school (xmas break) because it was mid-day, and Dad wasn't home.  There was so much snow that only a few inches at the top of the chain link fence were visible.  So of course I had the idea to walk it like a tight rope!  Mind you, it wasn't snow that someone blew there with a snow blower, we didn't have one.  That was how much actual snow we had on the ground.  It was also pretty well packed.  I remember walking on top of it without sinking, and how cool that seemed.

I don't recall if my siblings joined me.  I would assume that Jerry did, and I'm sure that Katie ( it was Katie, not Katy back in the day) did not.  At some point in the adventure, I decided that it would be a good idea (not one of my best) to jump off the fence into Grandma Meys' yard.    I again, went right through the snow like butter, but that time it up to my arm pits, instead of just one leg.  Thank God I had my arms stretched out when I jumped!  I was good and stuck.  Tried to free myself, no dice.  My brother tried to yank me out. No way.  Then Katie started to panic and ran for Mom. Ugh.  YOU NEVER BOTHER MOM! 

Now, I honestly don't know how I did it, but the terror of Mom having to bundle herself up to come out  and rescue me (especially if she was on the phone with Aunt Pat) gave me the superpower I needed to get my own self out of the predicament!  By the time she had her gear on I was at the back door telling her I was fine, and running off  to some other adventure before she could ground me. :) 

Monday, December 9, 2013


I'm learning that while life in the country is rewarding, it can be kind of a headache at times.  Especially with a few feet of snow on the ground and below zero temps.  We were without T.V. for a few days, but The Brown Eyed Man climbed up on Sat morning and cleared off the DISH, so that's fixed. Little things, like letting the dog out, become a chore, and if you want the Sunday paper you are going to bundle up like "Randy" from "The Christmas Story" and waddle on out through the snowy yard, and down the snowy drive.

The Man was having a long winters nap on the couch, the Packers were only on the radio, and losing at the time, (although they did win!!) so I decided to get some fresh (read as frigid) air, and fetch the paper.  I wish Jake was allowed by the highway, I'd train him to do it!  I put The Man's cell phone right by him, and mine in my pocket, because I know there is a deep ditch near the mailbox, and I know myself. Then Jacob and I snuck out the door into the bright crystal clear afternoon sunshine.

Jacob is border trained, and as I mentioned, he isn't allowed by the highway.  I don't trust him as much as The Brown Eyed Man does, so this is actually the first time I've let him come along instead of tethering him while I took the walk alone.  When we got to his stopping point I told him to stay, and he did.  He's such a smart boy!  I continued on the rest of the way alone, peeking behind me to make sure I didn't have any company, he's a good sneaker.

Upon my arrival at the mailbox I noticed the address was completely covered with snow.  Well, I can reach that and clear it off NO PROBLEM!  So I took a small step, because as we know the ditch is there, and put my booted foot onto the "frozen" (it should have been) hill the grader has left behind.  Now, I expected to sink a bit.  I did not expect to suddenly have my entire leg engulfed in snow!  I totally sank right into the ditch up to my crotch on the right side.  "Well, this is interesting!", said with much laughter.  I reached over and cleared off the address with my mitten hand, as I could easily reach it now, then tried to pull my leg free by putting all my weight on the left leg that was kneeling on the street. No dice.  I put my right hand down to push, and it sinks into oblivion.  I started to panic, and that's where I get myself into worse scrapes.  "Settle down and think before you make this worse.  You can reach the phone if you need to."  I had visions of Jake coming over and using him to pull myself out, but I didn't want him near the highway.  So...... I tucked down in a ball and rolled left onto the highway. 

My leg popped right out, I stood up quick as a wink, grabbed the paper out of the mailbox, and shuffled off back down the drive as fast as my lil boots could carry me, wondering exactly who (besides Jake) got the pleasure of witnessing that little adventure!

Later on we had a bonfire, and I followed the path blazed by The Brown Eyed Man and Jacob down to the valley.  They didn't stay with me to long, there was some plowing to do at the end of the driveway.  I don't think he wanted to hear about me getting stuck....again.  I finished things up when I heard some yipping and then a long howl.  Go ahead and try to run up the snowy hill in big snow boots when you are five feet tall. *eye roll*  Then the dog met me coming down at the halfway point and almost took me out for good.  After that he followed behind, pushing at me.  "If you want to go faster, go AROUND!" Then it was in the house for some more turkey soup, and later on a bowl of spicy chili! 

I really have got to get the cross country ski boots dug out of the closet!  Hopefully it wont be another "Snowventure" when I take out the skis!

Turkey Soup

Ladies and gentlemen!  It's the annual making of turkey soup day!  I braved the thirteen below temps to travel into town to my sister Kate's house to make some yummy soup.  First I had to stop off at the (dum dum dun.....) Walmart, which was insane, for a few of the ingredients. (and mouse traps, which is an unrelated subject)

After all of the prep work, I went into the other room and had some quality time building a fort with Ce-Ce!  She didn't understand what I was up to at first, and then knocked it over on me several times, (hilarious) but when I finally got her to crawl in she enjoyed it!

The house smells SO good right now.  We have the soup divided up and cooling off a bit before I head back out into the bitter cold.  I want to travel home in daylight, because most days it's in the pitch black dark of night........ at six o'clock. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

White Christmas

Good grief, it's back!  I have to stop and thank the God's of Snow for at least waiting until after we had everything moved to dump three feet of snow on us.  Yes, three feet, or near about. 

Last week we had the first snow event.  It was just a few inches, but really slippery.  That was not a fun drive home.  This week the snow started on Monday morning, and then just continued on until Wednesday night.  The drive home was actually much better on Monday, as the city/county had time to get on it before I had to head home.  Tuesday was my day off this week, so I didn't have to bother with it.  Jake and I shoveled and played in the snow in the morning, and it was glorious!  The woods were so beautiful and everything was clean, crisp, and quiet.  Then the wind picked up later in the day so I cleaned, and even baked some cookies.

In the later evening, after The Brown Eyed Man finished plowing, I cleared off the car and moved it to where he wanted us parked for the night.  It was warm, and actually raining at that point, so we had a nice little ice accumulation in the morning.  No drive to town for me.  The forecast said another foot of snow was due to arrive in the afternoon, schools and everything else were cancelled, so I just stayed put. 

Day two at home was not nearly as fun.  All I really had to occupy my time was cleaning, and moving things, which I did, but it got tedious fast.  Periodically I would shovel and play with Jake.  The Brown Eyed Man plowed some more, and more, and more.  The plow truck overheated a few times, which he will have to figure out before we get dumped on again! 

This weekend I will get out the old cross country skis and work on some sort of a trail around the property.  I'm also coming into town and making turkey soup with my sister.  That's going to taste so good with the below zero temps (thirty below wind chill tonight) we are in the middle of!  The Brown Eyed Man is planning a long winters nap, and I don't blame him!

It's to cold for Jake to be outside today, so I hope he and Milkie are behaving themselves!  I'm glad I'm not going to be the first one home tonight.......  Maybe all will be peaceful, they are getting along fairly well..... They do a lot of play fighting, where she bats at him and he nudges her.  If she's anywhere in the house doing anything at all he has to be there, so she does get fed up sometimes.  It's a good thing he has such a kind heart. When the kitteh gets pissed he just shrugs it off.  Although I angered her the other day by kicking her out of the walk in closet.  She hissed and batted at Jake, who of course was right there, and then she turned on me.  I yelled RUN JAKE, and we got the hell outta there!

So again, thank you Gods of Snow for holding off until the move was accomplished.  We now have enough snow to play in, and it will be a white Christmas, so you can go dump on someone else for awhile!