Life Lessons


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snowventure Memories

After I posted "Snowventure" the other day (yes, I am now afraid to go to the mailbox) my sister sent me this text.  "If my memory serves me correctly I believe that when we were kids we got a ton of snow one time and you climbed over our back fence into Grandma Meys' backyard and you sank up to your armpits in the snow.  I don't remember how we got you out though."

I had forgotten about that one!  We had to have been eight, seven, and six years old, and it must have been a snow day, or a day with no-school (xmas break) because it was mid-day, and Dad wasn't home.  There was so much snow that only a few inches at the top of the chain link fence were visible.  So of course I had the idea to walk it like a tight rope!  Mind you, it wasn't snow that someone blew there with a snow blower, we didn't have one.  That was how much actual snow we had on the ground.  It was also pretty well packed.  I remember walking on top of it without sinking, and how cool that seemed.

I don't recall if my siblings joined me.  I would assume that Jerry did, and I'm sure that Katie ( it was Katie, not Katy back in the day) did not.  At some point in the adventure, I decided that it would be a good idea (not one of my best) to jump off the fence into Grandma Meys' yard.    I again, went right through the snow like butter, but that time it up to my arm pits, instead of just one leg.  Thank God I had my arms stretched out when I jumped!  I was good and stuck.  Tried to free myself, no dice.  My brother tried to yank me out. No way.  Then Katie started to panic and ran for Mom. Ugh.  YOU NEVER BOTHER MOM! 

Now, I honestly don't know how I did it, but the terror of Mom having to bundle herself up to come out  and rescue me (especially if she was on the phone with Aunt Pat) gave me the superpower I needed to get my own self out of the predicament!  By the time she had her gear on I was at the back door telling her I was fine, and running off  to some other adventure before she could ground me. :) 

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