Life Lessons


Monday, December 23, 2013

Snow Goovers

My brother David traveled the country roads in the snow yesterday (it snows every day here now, I guess it's a thing) to help me get my computer hooked up.  It should have been a simple thing. A plug this end of the cord into the router and plug this end into the computer kind of a deal, but we all know how that goes.  At least in my world.

Of course the Goovers had to come along and check out Auntie's new house, and they finally got to meet Jacob!  They had so many questions and I heard "I love this house, when can we sleep over?" more than once.  More than ten times.......

I made sure their Dad brought them in full winter gear so I could take them down and show them the backyard and the valley.  We couldn't make it to the trout stream, the snow is just to deep, but they got to have a mini bonfire while their Daddy worked. 
Jake never knows what to think about people.  He wants to like them, but he just can't bring himself to get close enough to let them touch him.  The best way to handle him is totally ignore him and let him come around.  It was hard for Tater to do, she just wanted to pet him so badly.  He kept coming up to her and sniffing her, even her outstretched hand, but he just wouldn't settle in. 
While Tater sat in the chair at the bonfire he sniffed around the back of her, and in this picture they had actually just been nose to nose looking at each other.  As long as she didn't try to touch him, he was fine.  She just kept saying "Hi" to him, and telling me how cute he is.

Then Hannah asked if we had to stay outside the whole time, so I let them douse the fire with snow and we headed up the big hill to warm up and have some Christmas cookies!  The minute they were out of wet things, and had stolen two pairs of my socks, they started scoping it out.  "Where are the bedrooms for us?"  "Do you sleep with your boyfriend?"  "When can we sleep over?"  "Where did all those trophies come from?" "Where is your boyfriend?" When can we sleep over?"  "Can I live here?"  "I love that little bed, this is MY room!" "Can I sleep with Hannah?"

Jacob and I followed them from room to room, and then we finally all settled in the family room with cookies.  When Tater finished she found the their supply of dress up jewelry and sat with it on the floor, and Jake joined her nearby, but not quite close enough for Tater to touch him.

"I am going to fabulize this dog."

"Uh, no.  You're not."

"I have the best intestines."

"It's intentions, leave the dog alone."

"When can we sleep over?"

Finally David had everything hooked up, so we bundled the girls back up for their snowy drive home, to much protesting.  "We want to stay."  "We want to live here!" "Why can't we sleep over tonight??"  That one I had an answer for.  "Because I have to work tomorrow, and you don't have school."  Tater couldn't believe it.  "Why do you have to work so close to Christmas?"  My reply? "I don't know.  Ask Dr. Miller."  She looked at me with a very pouty face, crossed her arms over her chest, and said in a very crabby voice, "Dr. Grinch!" 

Then they had to show their Dad the BIG bathroom.  We all traipsed into the master bath and I noticed some water in the tub.  "You two yahoo's weren't messing with the tub were you?"  Two angelic faces turn toward me and reply in tandem, "No Auntie."  Then I heard the drip.  The skylight was leaking. Ah, just fabulous.

The Brown Eyed Man was already in the middle of fixing the plow truck, and he had to go into work (which is why he wasn't there) and now he would have to climb up and shovel off part of the roof.  This has already been a rough winter, and we're only two days in!  I can't wait til the girls see him on Christmas.  "When can we sleep over?" 

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