Life Lessons


Monday, December 9, 2013


I'm learning that while life in the country is rewarding, it can be kind of a headache at times.  Especially with a few feet of snow on the ground and below zero temps.  We were without T.V. for a few days, but The Brown Eyed Man climbed up on Sat morning and cleared off the DISH, so that's fixed. Little things, like letting the dog out, become a chore, and if you want the Sunday paper you are going to bundle up like "Randy" from "The Christmas Story" and waddle on out through the snowy yard, and down the snowy drive.

The Man was having a long winters nap on the couch, the Packers were only on the radio, and losing at the time, (although they did win!!) so I decided to get some fresh (read as frigid) air, and fetch the paper.  I wish Jake was allowed by the highway, I'd train him to do it!  I put The Man's cell phone right by him, and mine in my pocket, because I know there is a deep ditch near the mailbox, and I know myself. Then Jacob and I snuck out the door into the bright crystal clear afternoon sunshine.

Jacob is border trained, and as I mentioned, he isn't allowed by the highway.  I don't trust him as much as The Brown Eyed Man does, so this is actually the first time I've let him come along instead of tethering him while I took the walk alone.  When we got to his stopping point I told him to stay, and he did.  He's such a smart boy!  I continued on the rest of the way alone, peeking behind me to make sure I didn't have any company, he's a good sneaker.

Upon my arrival at the mailbox I noticed the address was completely covered with snow.  Well, I can reach that and clear it off NO PROBLEM!  So I took a small step, because as we know the ditch is there, and put my booted foot onto the "frozen" (it should have been) hill the grader has left behind.  Now, I expected to sink a bit.  I did not expect to suddenly have my entire leg engulfed in snow!  I totally sank right into the ditch up to my crotch on the right side.  "Well, this is interesting!", said with much laughter.  I reached over and cleared off the address with my mitten hand, as I could easily reach it now, then tried to pull my leg free by putting all my weight on the left leg that was kneeling on the street. No dice.  I put my right hand down to push, and it sinks into oblivion.  I started to panic, and that's where I get myself into worse scrapes.  "Settle down and think before you make this worse.  You can reach the phone if you need to."  I had visions of Jake coming over and using him to pull myself out, but I didn't want him near the highway.  So...... I tucked down in a ball and rolled left onto the highway. 

My leg popped right out, I stood up quick as a wink, grabbed the paper out of the mailbox, and shuffled off back down the drive as fast as my lil boots could carry me, wondering exactly who (besides Jake) got the pleasure of witnessing that little adventure!

Later on we had a bonfire, and I followed the path blazed by The Brown Eyed Man and Jacob down to the valley.  They didn't stay with me to long, there was some plowing to do at the end of the driveway.  I don't think he wanted to hear about me getting stuck....again.  I finished things up when I heard some yipping and then a long howl.  Go ahead and try to run up the snowy hill in big snow boots when you are five feet tall. *eye roll*  Then the dog met me coming down at the halfway point and almost took me out for good.  After that he followed behind, pushing at me.  "If you want to go faster, go AROUND!" Then it was in the house for some more turkey soup, and later on a bowl of spicy chili! 

I really have got to get the cross country ski boots dug out of the closet!  Hopefully it wont be another "Snowventure" when I take out the skis!

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