Life Lessons


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Calendar

I have no memory of a Christmas without the Christmas Countdown Calendar that my Mom made back in the 70's, so this tradition must have begun around the time I was four. 1974 or so.

So..... Once upon a time, in 1974 my Mom made a calendar for her three sweet little children to use to count down the days until Christmas.  Twenty four is divisible by three, so we each had the same number of days.  That should have curtailed any fighting............. should have.

I'm sure the first year or so went alright, but then we got a little older, and if you wanted to put the star on you had to be in the third position.  That's where the fighting began.

Also, if  you forgot in the morning, some little bugger would put it on before you remembered.  So the fighting continued.

Then David came along.  Thankfully 24 is also divisible by 4.  However, now you had to figure out what the best position would be to get the coveted "star" turn.  Also, for a good two years someone had to help Davy with his turn, which in reality got you another turn, and the battle raged on.

I don't know how old I was when I caught my Mother tossing out some Christmas things, this calendar included.  I had some choice words for her, and snagged the lot of it.  For the last twenty years or so it has lived with me, in four separate homes.  I put it up every year, and the turns have been mine.  ALL MINE.  Well, I do share it with the Goovers when they are around, and don't you know there was a fight?  First it was who got to go first, then someone who had the first turn, took the second turn too.

The set has lost three pieces over the years, If I had felting skills I would fix that.  Oh well, at least it didn't end up in the trash.  Some day I will pass it down to one of the kids.  Although let me tell you, I will be watching to see if it's going to go to a home that will cherish and  take care of it.

My Aunt Pat has a very similar tree, made for her by her cousin Nancy.  I guess the big fight in their house was whose stocking was closer to the top of the tree.  I couldn't resist taking this picture when I stopped to visit with Auntie Pat one afternoon, and posting it on Jill's facebook page.  ;)

The best part about having this calendar, you know besides the part where every turn is MINE, is the memories that it brings of Christmas when I was a child.  I swear that each time I'm putting on an ornament I am not in my own home, but standing by the back door in my folks kitchen, the place where it hung every year.  I can see so very clearly the other Christmas decorations, hear my siblings getting ready for school, and smell the breakfast my Dad so lovingly created. (oh Lord, that just brought back the soft boiled egg horrors.)  We'll just focus on frozen waffles......

We are down to one more sleep til Christmas, so after breakfast this morning I put the star on top. I will enjoy the fully decorated tree for another week, and then back in the closet it goes until next year.  Oh the things it has seen, and the memories it holds after some 40 years.  I'm not heading down that rabbit hole, or I will need a box of Kleenex.  I think it's about time to crack into the apple cider and make up some boozy drinks for our traditional Christmas Eve bonfire.

Merry Christmas everyone!  I wish you the holiday of your choosing, and I hope that you all have a very blessed New Year.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Teacher Joanie

As you can tell, if you follow my blog, I haven't been writing a lot this past year.  Unfortunately it seems that it has been one of those years (or seasons) of "just get through it".  I toss it on auto pilot and keep moving forward.

When these periods enter my life, it usually takes something big to move me out of it, and that is just what has happened.  I'm excited, and happy to announce that I am no longer "receptionist" Joanie, that I have returned to being "teacher" Joanie!

It has always been in my long range plan to go back to working with children.  It's not what I do, it is who I am, down to my very core.  Period.  The how, and what, were the question.  I still had some debt things I wanted to work on, but suddenly that couldn't matter anymore.  A person has her limits, and I have gone above and beyond mine.

The Brown Eyed Man was a little nervous, then extremely impressed when I cast my line and popped up with a job immediately.  He didn't understand two things:

1. I am Teacher Joanie.
2. Childcare is ALWAYS hiring.

It was just a matter of where I wanted to cast that line.

Of course I know a lot of folks in this field, I know people I like, people I don't, centers that are alright, and centers I would never put a child in, let alone work for.  Of all of the above, I felt like I had three real options. (on my part anyway, like I said child care is always hiring)  I decided to give Superior Children's Center the first shot.  Anna is there, and Anna and I have worked together MANY times over the years.  Shes seemed to like it, and when I asked her if it was an o.k. place she thought that I would like it.  She knows me well, so she knows if I would fit.

I also have worked with the director before, in a different capacity, so she knows "teacher" Joanie. When we spoke on the phone she seemed excited to hear from me, so I went right in and got an application.  I can't tell you the depth of what I felt when I walked into the Preschool classroom, and immediately a child I have never seen before attached himself to my leg. Then the assistant director introduced herself, saying "You don't know me, but I know who you are, and you need to come and work here!" I asked if I could fill out the application right there, and I sat down at the little table, in the small blue chair, and I knew I was home.  Plain and simple.

I started work this past Monday, and it feels so good to be ME again!  There are no other words for it.

As God (and all of you) as my witness, I will NEVER make a money motivated decision again,  Life is too short.  My Dad used a phrase when we were growing up, that irritated me to no end "When the wolf is at the door.........." (insert whatever it is that you will have to do)   I lived my entire life, up until the age of 42, proving him wrong.  The wolf has never been far from my door, but I just got tired of him being around all the time, so I caved.  I took the opportunity to shut him up, and gave away who I am in the process.

I love you Dad, but you were wrong.  Maybe that's what you felt you had to do, and realizing that clears up a few things for me.  Maybe it's what I felt I had to do at the time, but it was the wrong choice.

I have been very blessed in this life, to have enough. (no matter the situation) I am proud to say that I have never taken a hand out, even when I could have, and I always pay my own way, There have been times where I have given away the last I had to help someone, because I knew that I would be o.k.  I have an amazing, supportive family and circle of friends, including the Brown Eyed Man who is everything to me.  There has always been a roof over my head, and food to eat.

What more does anyone need?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Tater is TEN!

Well, it has finally happened.  Our baby is TEN!  All of the kids are in double digits now. :(

Got Cheerios?
We had a sleepover a couple of weeks back, but it wasn't a birthday sleepover, so we will have to have one before the school year starts!  It was hot out, so a lot of time was spent inside playing UNO, and we watched the Wizard Of Oz, because I finally got a turn to pick!  When we were outside in the cooler evening air, I taught the Goovers how to play jarts.  Once they got the hang of it, we chose teams (of course Tater went with The Brown Eyed Uncle) and it was ON.  Hannah and I lost, but just by a few points.  The impromptu victory dance that Tater and her Uncle created was epic.  I am sorry that I didn't get it on film, but I (and probably Hannah) will never forget it! :)

Tater was also in "The Little Mermaid Jr." a musical that the school district puts on through the summer school program.  She absolutely loved it, and was a Mermaid in the chorus.  We all had a great time at the performances, even though there is NO air conditioning in the auditorium.

Tater is also a real life mermaid!  She has spent half of this summer in the water.  Here's a pic of her swimming in Lake Ruth, at the same cabin we used to swim at as children.  She was one of the first in, and the absolute last out.  Everyone was packing up to leave and there she was, floating around.  It was the first opportunity I have ever had to swim with the Goovers!  Good times!

Happy birthday to our spitfire!  Even if I have to take the back seat to your "authentic", "cool", Uncle these days, I still love you with all of my heart!  (but I'm not buying you a pony..... lol)

XXOO  Aunt Joanie

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

May the Jarts Be With You

Growing up I loved to play Jarts, and I can not tell you how many hot summer afternoons Vicki and I  wasted away tossing spikes with plastic feathers into little yellow circles, for points, in her yard. Crank up the boom box with 80's tunes, and we were set.  Dangerous? I suppose so.  You can't buy the old kind in the stores anymore.  Some dumb bunnies probably took one to the head.  Worst thing that ever happened when we were playing was one stuck in the garage siding. (No Ma, it wasn't me.)
Jarts anyone?

I wanted to get a croquet set for our yard, but I'm going to have to order it online, because the local stores don't carry them on hand.  A few weeks ago Menards had a set in their Sunday ad, so I ran off gleefully to buy it.  Nope. Nothing. Nada.  BUT!  They had a set of lawn darts.  Hmmmm.... I wanted something to play with the kids, so I purchased a set.

This is what the new version look like.  Cheap plastic with a bean bag in the end.  No, they don't come with the nifty black stripe, that is electrical tape.  Every time one landed it burst apart. (eye roll)  Instead of taking them back (since we wanted to play) The Brown Eyed Man fixed them.

I came up with the idea of having a summer challenge, and the winner has to buy the loser Shamrock Pizza the Friday after Labor Day.  We had to discuss the rules, terms. etc. before we began.  There was a lot of discussing.  Then rules were modified (not by me) as we began the first game.  Then rules were changed back (that time it was me) during the second game.  So far we are 2-2.

These new "darts"are really a pain. They don't "stick" when you throw them, like the old kind.  They bounce all over creation.  You have to figure out where to bounce it to land it in, or near, the circle.  I was going to ask The Brown Eyed Man to just built us some real Jarts, but I can't.  (see pic on the left) The dang dog wont stay off the course.  He just lays wherever, and comes right up to us when we're throwing.  It is fun to be outside playing a game though.

Looking forward to the Goover Sleepover this weekend, time to teach the Goovs about lawn darts!  Oh, and there will be s'mores!  I believe I have hidden the chocolate well enough that it will make it that far. (If I don't get into it.........)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Love Mama (Happy Bday Cece!)

Instead of writing a blog (Yes, I know that I have been seriously remiss lately.) I am just going to share something that happened with Cierra last week, in her Mother's own words.

" I was sitting on a bench that I have out there and CeCe came up to me and gave me a big hug, when she was patting my back she said Love, I wasn't sure if that is what she said or not, so I said Mama loves you too Sugar and then she gave me another big hug and said Love Mama. Ok, anyone who knows me knows that my eyes immediately started tearing up when it happened just as they are as I am writing this now. Many people tell me that CeCe is so blessed to have me as her Mom, my friends this is not the truth at all. I am so blessed to have my precious baby girl, she honestly has made my life complete, she has brought so much happiness and joy to my life from the time we brought her home when she was 9 weeks old, believe it or not, she will be 10 years old one week from today. She took me and Tom Dorin from being a happily married couple to being a happy family!!! We are so proud of her for everything that she has learned how to do!!! God Bless!!!" 

CeCe has a hard time verbalizing things, although she is pretty good at communicating her wants and needs to those around her.  That was the first time in TEN years that my sister heard her child tell her that she loves her.  We all know that Cemonster loves her Mama, Papa, and family.  It's very obvious to anyone.  She just has never been able to say it, until now.  

I spent some time playing with CeCe last night, and while she was bossing me around I asked her if she could say "love".  "LOVE" same back clear as a bell.  I went to hug her and I said "I love you CeCe!" She gave me a dirty look, and made me play our patty cake game.  BUTT!  It's o.k. I know she loves me.  That was just payback for me getting to see a lot of the "first" things she did, instead of her mother.

Happy 10th birthday Cierra Ruthmarie!  Where has the time gone?!  I LOVE YOU, BUTT!smile emoticon

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pallet Palooza

It all started with a sink.

A few weeks ago the Brown Eyed man started cleaning out the garage.  A project that he still isn't finished with.  That would be partially my fault, for introducing him to Pinterest, and projects made from pallets of wood.  A few days into the garage cleaning I noticed an old sink sitting in my front yard.

"Great," I said to myself.  "Now I'm going to have a sink sitting in the front yard for a year and a half."  Time to come up with a clever use for said sink!  I have been seeing tons of projects that you make out of wood pallets on the Internet, so I said to The Brown Eyed Man, "What would you think if we used that sink as part of a potting bench for me?"  He seemed interested, so I showed him a few of the pictures I had on my Pinterest page.

A few days later a pile of pallets appeared in the back yard, and the garage cleaning was put on hold. The first thing I did was stain this large pallet, that arrived looking like a table top!  Yea!!  Nothing like a free picnic table!
table top

Then work began on the potting bench, which became bigger, and more involved than I imagined, but I love it!!  I have plenty of work space, and actually just used it to pot some fuchsia this afternoon!
Potting bench, with sink!
Then one day last week, when I came home from work in the pouring rain, The Brown Eyed Man had something he had to show me.  It was two pieces of a huge pallet that he had cut in half and propped up to look like a large bench/love seat.  We got soaked trying to figure out how it should go together.  It it definitely an "Edith Ann" seat for me.  For those of you who don't get the reference, my feet don't come anywhere near the ground.   This past weekend he finished it. 

Note the little patio, another project in the works.

Then instead of getting back to the garage, which was his weekend plan, he gave the table some legs. Now the table is more my height, so we have to set it on blocks or something.  Although the idea of putting wheels on it has been tossed around.  Then we could pull it with the four wheeler to different parts of the yard.

Ribs, home made potato salad and coleslaw, rum and coke, and a brand new picnic table!!
Today I bought two new chairs, and started on a set of picnic dishes.  *sigh* I have a problem with dishes, but that is another blog. :)

Then on Sunday I took a piece of pallet that was just hanging out and did this with it.
oriole feeder!
The best part?  It worked!!  Last year I saw one oriole, once.  This year we have had two for the past two weeks, drinking out of the humming bird feeder.  Today I saw three!!

Not sure what we'll take on next.  There is talk about chairs and a small table for down in the valley by the fire pit, but of course, there is a garage to be cleaned out.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Graduates and Grease Monkeys

Friday, May 8, 2015 was Hannah's last grade school concert. Time is flying by way too quickly, and she will be graduating to Middle School in a few weeks.  Although, I do really like the girls at this age, because they are interested in so many neat things, and we have a lot to talk about.  It's also easier now that they can help themselves, and help me too.  I don't mind being chief cook and bottle washer when they are around, but it's nice to be able to have someone make dessert, or set the table, or grab me something out of the pantry!  I no longer have to be the choci-milk creator, and they can pour their own appo-juice.

I took the day off Friday, finished cleaning the house, and headed off to the program.  Perhaps I got a little teary at the end when they sang the final good-bye song to the fifth graders, but I was there on my own, so no one will ever know.  Apparently the gentleman I sat next to is Hannah's best friend Sam's Dad, which I wasn't aware of at the time.  Small world. (stranger danger........I don't like sitting that close to folks who aren't "mine".)
Hannah's Solo!

When the program ended I signed the Goovers out of their respective classrooms, and we headed out to forage for food.  They chose chicken strips and mac and cheese from the grocery.  I grabbed some burgers from the meat store for the brown eyed man and myself.  We agreed on brownie sundaes for dessert though!

When the Brown Eyed Uncle got home he and Tater got right to work on the ice racer.  Hannah was more interested in helping me in the house this time around.  When dinner was ready I went out to get them and see what was going on.  Tater was arms deep in the motor right with her Uncle, wearing his cap, looking happy as a clam.  I have some really good pictures, but I value my life, so you only get this one.
Lil Grease Monkey
After dinner the grease monkeys headed back out to the car, and Hannah and I cleaned up.  Then she and I scooped up Tater and took a walk with Jake down to get the mail.  Upon arrival back at the front porch we heard the Brown Eyed Man start up the ice racer.  I had my back to him, but Tater had full view.  Suddenly she shouts with glee "FIRE!"  She apparently thought that's what happens when you start up the car.  I, however, know that it should not. I said "What?"as my head snapped around to see what was going on, and indeed there was a small grass fire right under the car.  Even with the rain we had, the ground was still so dry.  I yelled over to the Brown Eyed Man "FIRE!" and then when I saw he heard me, yelled at the girls to stay by the porch as I ran toward the situation.  He got it out quickly, without any incident.  Whew!  

Saturday was pretty nice out, so the girls and I played in the valley and fed the birds.  Tater and I climbed our way to a rougher part of the creek bank, because there were some yellow flowers blooming!  We were able to identify them as swamp marigold, and now I'm seeing them all over as I drive in to town.  I thought I was cracking up when I noticed flowers blooming already!
Favorite Spot
Jake really enjoys when the girls are around.  I showed Tater how to take him off the tether, and he sits nicely for her.  He was sad when they left.  So were we.  It was too short of a visit, they will have to come back soon!
Jake and his girl

Saturday, April 11, 2015


We have another teenager  in the family!  TAFKAP turns 13 today.  It's seems like just yesterday he was getting off of the plane with his folks, and I gave him his first winter jacket!

On Easter we had cupcakes for dessert to celebrate the occasion, and for his birthday we gave him cash.  I made sure that he (a Viking fan) knew that the exact place this money came from.  It was handed to me from another Viking fan, who lost it to me in a bet between the Packers and the Vikings.

Two months before he was three.
Ten years ago Pablo celebrated his first birthday in this country, and with our family.  He was three.  That year I gave him a red trike.  He and Hannah had a good time with it!  He looked so cute in his little helmet.  (I can see him rolling his eyes at me if he reads this.) Those pictures are in a photo album, so I wont drag them out and show everyone. Today anyway..........

September 2014
He used to jump into my arms, then when he was a little older, and didn't want hugs and kisses I would tell him it was o.k.  I didn't want his gross kisses, and he would chase me down and give me a kiss on the cheek.  Now I can barely get a handshake.  I did get the handshake on his birthday, because I said "Shake it, or hug me, your choice."

Lately Paul has shown an interest in cooking, so I will have to have him out to cook me dinner!  He is allergic to Milkie, so that makes it difficult.  His folks have been here, but he hasn't actually been out to the house.  I think he would make a fortune in change if he came out with his metal detector!

I think it's his Dad's favorite picture!
No one would ever really send this sweet little boy back to Guatemala!  The jury is out on the teenager.......
 All joking aside, The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo is my favorite nephew!  Yes, I know, he is the only one I have.  You may not have been born a "Meys", but never doubt that you are ours.  A very loved and treasured part of this family.  What a blessing it was when you came home to us!  I still remember talking to you on the phone when Oma and Mama and Papa were with you in Guatemala. I couldn't understand most of your two year old jabber, but "Te Amo Tia" came across loud and clear.  You wouldn't allow any of us to speak Spanish to you after you arrived here, so I will say it in English.  I love you too, Paul.  ♥

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Fly A Kite

I had to look back to see what Meys family Easter traditions I have already written about!  I have covered the family dessert , and the family good deed,, but there is so much more!

Every year, as far back as my memory goes (which probably means 40 years ago) the Meys children received kites for Easter.  I have so many fond memories of flying kites with my Dad and my siblings, Mom rarely got involved in outdoor activities.  We would usually head out after dinner to the empty lot behind our house.  We had the best chance of getting away from power lines right there.

We left the house with three kites, but I'm sure we always lost at least one!  Trees, string snapping, power lines, you name it.  I think how you are going to lose the kite is half of the adventure of kite flying!

We really needed to keep our kites in tact, however, because at school (St. Francis Xavier) the next month, to celebrate the feast of the Assention, we always had a kite flying contest!  After going to mass, and enjoying a picnic, we had kite flying contests by grade for the rest of the afternoon.  Sitting in the warm sunshine on the small rise just behind the school, watching the kites soar above the big green field was magical.  As a youngster I'm sure I flew my kite when the weather actually permitted this outing, and I know that when I was in the upper grades I flew my kite, and found a younger kid to help in every other contest.

Having a brother come along when you are nine years old kind of extends childhood for older siblings, so the kite flying continued at Easter.  There was probably a span of five years where there were no kites at home, but by then I was a Childcare Teacher, and I definitely shared my love of kites with the kids!  We had a big field at the college that was perfect.

Then Ashlyn came along, and I'm sure by the time she was two there was a kite in her basket.  I have a cute picture of her around here somewhere wearing a rain coat and boots, with a big smile on her face and a kite in her hand.  The other kids in turn have gotten kites.  As I'm writing this I am realizing that out front here, over the farmers field is perfect! No trees, no lines, nothing but space to soar!  I'm thinking I will be picking up a few more kites to keep here!

This afternoon we will gather at my sisters house to celebrate Easter, and TAFKAP's birthday.  I hemmed and hawed about kites for the older two, so I sent Baby College Pig Nose a text:

Auntie: Are you, in fact, too old for a kite?

Ash:  No one is ever too old for a kite.

So there was my answer.  It's probably too windy to fly them today, but I'm sure Uncle Tom will convince at least one of them to try.  Anyway, I'm thinking a kite flying picnic/party will be the first order of summer around here!


Monday, March 2, 2015

The Squirrel Dumplin' Gang Rides Again!

In my last blog about the Goovers I mentioned that the squirrels had gotten the suet out of the feeder again.  I had both sides secured, or so I thought, but those little buggers managed to wonk it around and get the whole cake to slide out.  Tater bravely ran out into the snow squall to save it, and I wrapped it up to use again once I figured out a plan.

I thought about stopping the suet altogether, because this is getting ridiculous, but Jack and the other blue jays, and Downy and Hairy, the woodpeckers, all eat at the suet feeder.  They have a harder time getting into the big feeder that is, in fact, squirrel proof.

So the following Tuesday I wired up both sides of the feeder as secure as I could possibly get them.  This is what happened.
Yes, they took the branch right off the tree.

So, that feeder went in the trash, Freaking squirrels!!  I had one more idea, so I got the green metal suet feeder, some thicker wire, and stood out in the below zero temps tying it right to the trunk of the tree.  Chew that off, I dare you!!
So there!

You open this feeder on the top to fill it, and I have that part wired shut also.  I learned that lesson last year.  This contraption has been up successfully for two weeks now, and I have stopped filling the easy feeder down in the valley.  The Squirrel Dumplin' Gang seems to have moved on, except for a couple of little red squirrel.  They are able to eat successfully from the suet feeder, which is fine.  As long as they are playing nice, and are willing to share with the rest of my Menagerie, they are welcome.  If not............ TAFKAP is looking for some target practice.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My Goover Valentines

A few weeks ago The Goovers came over and spent a Saturday night.  It was really too cold to do much outside, and the snow had gone away on the sliding hill, but we still managed to work out a new sliding spot, and have some fun walking on the frozen creek.

Goovers on Miller Creek
We also had a few concerts,  because Hannah has learned how to play the recorder!  There's Caitlin, helping me to whip up a batch of sugar cookies.  She is definitely my kitchen helper!  I also introduced the Goovers to Trivial Pursuit.  Hannah and I had a good time challenging each other.  She could have been my partner the second round after dinner, but decided to go against me and team up with her Uncle Brown Eyes, who promptly ditched her by falling asleep on the couch.  Then I played for both teams, but Caitibug and I still won!

Can't wait til she knows more than three tunes!

Poor Tater, she really loves to be outside at our place, but the weather just didn't cooperate with her. True to form, she made the most of it, and in the middle of a snow squall, with temps around zero Sunday morning, she ran out there with Jake to chase away the Squirrel Dumplin' Gang, and retrieve the suet they had gotten out of the feeder........again.

The girls helped me make my Mom's frosting, and then sat down and decorated cookies for our dessert, and to take home.  We used the same rolling pin, cookie cutters, and recipe that my Mom used when I was a little girl.  Earlier in the afternoon while at the store the Goovers each got to pick out a cookie cutter to add to the collection too.

After dinner we each had our own large heart cookie.  Two guesses who got the one with the word LOVE on it.  (How does he rate anyway?)  Later in the evening we shared a classic Disney favorite from our childhood with them, The Rescuers!  I wasn't sure if it would translate to this generation, but it did.  They loved it, and we loved seeing it again!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


My Mother used to say the old "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."  I prefer, "Be kind, or be quiet."  The message is still pretty much the same.

I started to post a status on Facebook, and then realized I had too much to say for that little space.  So the rant shall be here in the blog, where it belongs.

Apparently this is "Random Acts of Kindness" week.  Ok, I get that, for things that go a little above and beyond the norm.  "The Internet", because I don't know who exactly to pin it on, has decided that we should have little reminders each day of a specific act of kindness.  Ok......

My issue?  SWEET BABY CHEEZITS!  Where to begin.

I went to Walmart today, and although I was in an extreme hurry, there were enough random "please, thank you, excuse me, and have a nice day's" to make me pause and inwardly comment on how odd it was.  As a society we (I am going to exclude myself here, because my Mama didn't raise one rude child.  We all know and use our manners, thank you very much.) just don't use manners, or little niceties as a general rule anymore.  I can't tell you how many times I go to the drive though at the bank, say thank you, and have the screen go blank.  That does get a loud "your welcome" from me, on the off chance anyone can hear me. ;)

Today's "random act of kindness" is to use please and thank you.

What does it say about our society when we have to be reminded to use our manners?  Most of us, at least if you are over thirty, were taught by the age of two that you needed them to get what you wanted in this world.  Period.  If you are under thirty, well..... maybe not so much.  Don't forget, I have been helping to raise other people's kids since about that time.  In many cases I (underlined three times) was the one who taught them manners, so at least they learned that away from home please and thank you were expected, and in my classroom, required.  Required from everyone, including myself, and any other staff in there.

Lack of manners is just plain disrespectful, and THAT is what's wrong.  If you have respect for your fellow man, you don't have to be reminded to be kind, or polite.  Yes, respect is earned, but it also has to be taught.  Thankfully that seems to be changing.

Now while this rant was forming in my head I thought, "Alright now, aren't you being a little hypocritical with your "Thirty days of Thankful"?  Eh?  Upon further review, it's apples and oranges.  Yes, you should be thankful, but that usually doesn't involve anyone else but you. You're just too wrapped up in yourself to appreciate things.  Being unkind, in any form, certainly does involve others.

Am I always kind?  *sigh*  Nope.  Not many people can manage that one 24/7.  However, I am very rarely deliberately unkind.  I am, without fail, polite.  Whoever you are, whatever you've done, rudeness is unacceptable.  That goes two ways, however, and that's where I have trouble.  If you are disrespectful to me or mine, I make no promises.  I might forget and ask "Just who exactly do you think you are?" accompanied by my death stare, so I will usually remove myself from the situation.  I can't trust my mouth, so I use my feet. (or my Ruthie smile)

Thank you for reading, please come again.  The squirrels have been in fine form........

Have a nice day!   (insert Ruthie smile here)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Squirrel Dumplin' Gang

Freaking squirrels!  I know that you need to eat, and I am happy to have a few feeders that you can get into without too much effort, but do you have to steal or destroy everything?!!?  Squirrel dumplings is what you are going to be if we can't figure out a way to get along around here.

Last year, during the long hard winter we had a few grey, the occasional black, and three little red squirrels.The Brown Eyed Man and I enjoyed their antics, and they were very well behaved.  The feeder I had out at that time was a cheep plastic red one that I had brought with from the apartment.  It had holes big enough that the jays, woodpecker, and the squirrel could all share, and they did.
April 2014

Winter 2014
I  feel like it was winter, because we had snow until May, but my garden/bird journal assures me that it was indeed April when the incidents happened.

One, or more, of the squirrels decided to chew a huge hole into the bottom of the feeder.  All of the seed fell out onto the ground, and that was the end of that.

I bought a heavy duty, expensive, squirrel proof feeder, and that is what I am still using today.  The problem with it is that the larger birds, my Jays and my Woodpecker, can't use it either.  They now rely on the suet feeders.    

That brings me to the next issue.  The dang squirrel learned how to open the green metal suet feeder that I had hanging from a tree in the valley.  They would pop it open, steal the suet cake, and gleefully dance away. Well, I never saw it, but in my mind that's what happened.  All I know is I had an empty suet feeder, handing wide open.  So I fixed their little wagon and used a twist tie to secure it.  They showed me.  Within a week the entire feeder was gone, chain and all.

I replaced it with a new one, tied it shut, and they weren't so lucky after that.

Winter finally left around mid May, and with it went the squirrels.  It was very odd, but we didn't see hide nor hair of them all summer long, and into the fall.  For my birthday in September I got a new feeder, that is easier access, and I was able to hang it up safely until a few deer showed up during hunting season.  The squirrel only  reappeared a few weeks ago, but they have returned with a vengeance!

We had four large grey, two or three little red, and two black squirrels in the gang, but there was some "squirrel on squirrel violence" (The Brown Eyed Man coined that one.) and we are one black squirrel down.  The Man found him dead on the side of the ice racer.  Everything seemed intact, except the poor thing was missing his manly bits.  Apparently that's how they do each other in.  *shudder*  That was last week.

This week they stole the damn green metal feeder right off the tree again.
 As you can see, all that's left is the chain.  We had fresh snow yesterday, (Just an inch, this winter is the opposite of last year so far.) so there should be a track to where they dragged it, but Jake and I investigated today, and nothing.  Maybe it happened Sunday night before the snow.  #$@#%

The other suet feeder is made of wood, and if the birds or squirrel monkey enough the one side will pop, letting the suet drop to the ground.  To fix this I had a string made of jute tied around that side, and then another one of wire around the other.  Just happened to have those with me at different times.  I always intended to put wire on both...........  The little buggers chewed right through the rope.  There will be wire on it before sundown, I assure you.

Now it looks like they are going to chew the branch off the tree so they can steal this one too.

This Shiz just got real................

                                                  Hey!  Look what I found down by the fire pit while I was filling the feeder that is actually FOR the squirrels!  We shall rebuild it.  There's gotta be some stronger chain out in the garage!  This appears to be accidental, I'm hoping we have it on the camera footage.  The Brown Eyed Man thinks the scrapes on the branch are just incidental, from the squirrel hanging down to get at the suet, I'm not buying it for a second. They are smart lil buggers!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Cider and Cocoa (and Cotton)

I wrote out a Christmas list, but the only thing I really wanted was a new piece for my Christmas Village.  A few blogs ago I wrote about my obsession with the village. It has been years since I have added any large piece because  I can't find anything "village worthy".  This year was different.  When I took Hannah and Tater to check out the village at Menard's in Superior I found THE perfect addition!

I wanted it so badly, and needed the right piece, so I actually printed it off the picture and gave it to The Brown Eyed Man, along with my list.  Then crossed my fingers.

This is what happened.

First off, you need to know that The Man has an aversion to certain sensory things.  I have my village set on a white table cloth, because he has a strong reaction to anything like cotton batting, or felt.  He avoids it at all costs.  When I asked for the village piece, I knew he would have to get near the cottony village set up to get it, so I did tell him how much I wanted it, and suggested he ask an employee to grab it, or have my sister help him out.

Bless his heart, he went on his own.  He went to the Menard's near work.  Gone.  He went up the hill to Menard's. Gone.  He came down to the Superior Menard's. Gone.  One week before Christmas, and they were all out of the Mt. Woodland's Cider and Cocoa shop.  They are only available in store.

Christmas Eve TBEM tried again at the Superior store.

He went over to the village set up, and sure enough no Cider/Cocoa shop.  Then he noticed a box way up above.  Getting an employee to climb up and investigate, it was an empty box.  The box used for the display model.  The Brown Eyed Man asked to buy said display, but the dude didn't think he could sell it.  TBEM said "It's Christmas Eve.  You don't need it anymore.  Please go and ask a manager if you can sell it to me."  The dude responded with, "I doubt they will unhook all of this just to sell it to you, but I will ask."

When the dude was out of sight, the Brown Eyed Man grabbed the ladder, climbed up amid the COTTON, found the plug, got it out, untangled it from the neighbors, and scurried back down the ladder. (When he told me that part of the story, I almost started to cry....)

The employee came back, and said "I can sell it to you if it doesn't disrupt anything."

The Brown Eyed Man reached up, and handed it to the startled employee.  They popped it into the empty box, and he moved outta dodge fast.

After hearing the whole story:

Me: That's really sweet, I just love it!  It's perfect!  I guess I will have to be nice to you.

BEM: Are you turning over a new leaf?

Me:  Nope.  (wild laughter)  It's just for today.

Now my village is perfect!
When I told my brothers that story on Christmas night (and I will include family friend Eric in the brother category)  they all decided that they wouldn't go through that much, and I should be nice for more than a day, at The Brown Eyed Man's Discretion.  He likes that idea.

I said o.k. BUT I need it in writing, notarized, three days in advance.  ;)