Life Lessons


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweetie Girl

If you follow my blog, then you know that this gorgeous dog is Sam. Nothing I could write at the moment could do justice to what I'm feeling, but I need to say something.

The Brown Eyed Man and I had to put her to sleep today.  It was a hard thing to do, to say good-bye to such a sweet, loving, and giving girl, but it was time.  I was blessed to have had her in my life for the four years that I did, and blessed to be with her as she took her last breath.  I owed her that.  She is the thing that literally kept me sane after I lost both of my cats, my relationship, and the looming job loss last fall.  She was my peace, and my comfort, until I got strong enough to stand on my own again.  Always loving, and of course, bossing me around.  She was absolutely the best dog I have ever known.  Probably the best one I will ever know.

When Sam was with me, right from the beginning, we were always together.  We would spend a lot of time sitting on the front steps just watching the world go by.  I would talk, and she would listen.  Somehow just being with her could erase the pain.  She always knew when you needed her.  It was funny how sometimes he would come to pick her up and she would be glad to see him, but when it was time to go, she wouldn't.  She would come and sit by me and look at him as if to say "Not yet Papa, she needs me."  Then other times she couldn't get out the door fast enough, because she was his peace and comfort too.

I felt so sad watching him walk away this afternoon, without her.  Knowing that he had to go and face that empty house, alone.  I know what that's like, and it about did me in.  Of course Sam came to stay and made it better.

I will miss her so much, but I know it was the right thing to do, and the right time to do it.  She's in a much better place, running free with Hunter and Sadie, and guarding her water dish from Pepper.  Misty?  Well, even in heaven she probably still wont have anything to do with Sam. 

Thank you my Sweetie Girl, for everything you have done for me, and been to me.  I love you so much, and I will always cherish the years that we had together.  Thank you Leon, for letting me be a part of her life, sharing her with me, and allowing me to be there with her today.  You will never know how much it meant.

Good night puppy.   ♥ Mama

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