Life Lessons


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Candy Corn Nightmare

What is it about me that brings out the creepers, and more importantly why do they have to touch me???  This time Lisa got it too, and I was snickering to myself while in the middle of composing a text to Officer Dave about the new drink I was trying.  Then I got it three times worse.  Ah, Karma.

Now, this gentleman has some issue.  I don't think it's developmental, maybe a stroke, or C.P., or it could be a rough time with drugs.  The way he holds himself and walks gave that part away immediately.  I certainly wouldn't pick on the disabled.  When you add in very drunk and touching me, well then you get written about.   I saw him come out for a smoke numerous times, and just had a bad feeling something was going to happen.

We were finished with our drinks and the deep fried mushroom appetizer, (it's ok, but nothing to write about) just sitting enjoying the nice evening and talking about our individual weeks and individual plans for the rest of the evening.  Minding our own beezwax, dressed appropriately, neither of us inviting anyone into our personal space, that's for sure.  I got a text from Dave, so read it and started to respond when I noticed the aforementioned gentleman weaving his way toward Lisa. *snicker*  He grabbed her hand and said good-bye to her, something about having a good time, and that she's pretty.  I don't know, I was texting and snickering.  Then he kissed her hand, and I snickered some more.  She was polite and played along, and I thought that was it.  My ammunition for when she teases me about the old man incident.  Oh, I was so wrong.

Then he steps right up to me and holds out his hand, as if to shake hands, so of course I stop the text and shake his hand.  One hand in his, my phone gripped in the other.  He holds my hand, and will not let go.  I can tell something isn't "right" with him so I am very polite.  "What's your name?"  It's Scott.  He still wont let go.  "Look, she wont let go of my hand.  She wants me!"  He nods toward Lisa, "You were nice, but she is CUTE!"  He's still grabbing my hand.  Grinning at me with chew stuck in his teeth.  He says good bye, so I think it's over, and I've made it through pretty unscathed.  Yeah, I know better.

So Scott takes a couple of steps to pass me, then stops and says "Oh you have such cute little ears." Then he proceeds to start rubbing my left ear.  Lisa is practically laughing out loud.  Then some comment about my nose and he tweaked that a few times.  (insert any really bad words you like here) I laughed good naturedly and then thank God he moved on.  Why?????   ARG!

My sister in law, Elise, says " Because it's good luck to rub the head of a dwarf."  Very funny Mrs.  You wont know how, you wont know when, but I'll be paying you back for that one!

In closing, I once again implore drunk men everywhere to KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELVES!  I know I'm little, I know my ears are cute, I know I have some other nice assets.  It doesn't give you the right to get into my space!  I think Lisa and I continued our conversation for a few minutes, then she couldn't stand it anymore and brought out the candy corn hand sanitizer.  I borrowed some, and yes I put it on my ear and my nose too. :)  Smelled too yummy, it was time to leave the bar!  Heaven knows what else would have happened. 

Had a nice dinner with Steve, salmon on the grill rocks!  Watched "Due Date" which should have been MUCH better than it was.  Home by 8:30, in bed asleep before 11:00.  Yep, summer must be over. :)

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