Life Lessons


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pimped Out

News Flash: Ernie is NOT gay.  I could write a whole blog about how you parents have ruined Sesame Street, but that one will have to wait for another day.  Don't you people have enough to do with your full time jobs and your two point five children?  Anyway.......

Today was the annual "East End Fun Days" where they have miles of rummage sales running down fifth street in Superior.  I have an irritating cold with a barking cough, but I still headed over to Lisa's garage at eight a.m. to sit out with her and sell our wares.  I didn't realize that I was going to be part of the deal!

All was going well, lots of folks coming and going, got to see Wally's sister Shelley, which is always nice.  I see her every year at the sale, and it's always right around his birthday (tomorrow) which seems fitting.  So I am sitting there innocently, (that's how it always starts) bagging up peoples items, talking with Lisa, and waiting for Melanie, Kerri, and Shelly to come and entertain us with whatever treasure's they've found.  One year we held a costume contest, and Shelly won when she appeared in a sumo suit.  I won this year, and I didn't even have a costume..........

All of the sudden, THIS comes parading in the doorway.    Lisa and I were quite impressed.  Ernie in a prom dress ranked right up with the best cosutmes the girls have ever come up with.  We discuss asking if we could take his picture, and Lisa took a chance.  "Can we take your picture?"  "Sure, for a kiss." came the reply from within the Ernie mask.  "Ok," returned Lisa "She'll give you one."  What?  Wait a minute here!

So Lisa takes the pic, and I think "It's o.k.  I am a pretty good sport, if he's serious I'll give him a big peck on the cheek. "  Ernie comes on over, whips up his mask, and I am looking at Anthony Michael Hall from all those 80's movies, a little most muscular, with acne.  He was probably twenty.  I stand up to kiss his cheek and he plants a big kiss square on my mouth.  Yes.  He did.

I'm sure my eyes were wide open with shock, and while not a deep, romantic kiss, he held it long enough. blah.  Then he puts the Ernie mask back on and says to his buddy "I almost slipped her a little tounge." to which I replied "I hope you enjoy my cold."

Violated by a muppet.  What next?

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