Life Lessons


Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Night Lights

The happy hour world tour is winding down for the summer.  We have found our new home at Keyport, and were even called "regulars" and were given a very nice discount because we chose to keep coming back!  Very nice, and very unexpected!  Although the hee-haw music (country) was getting to be a little much out on the deck.  It's the jukebox music, so I must remember to bring some cash for the jukebox next time!  Dang hillbillies.....  I still think my x neighbors hang out on the deck there, but it is pretty entertaining.  I tried the shrimp and it was fab!!

After Happy Hour, Lisa, Jon and I made our way over to the football field to watch the local high school team (Superior Spartans) play football.  They haven't done very well in the last several years, but this year started out at 2-0 so far.  This week was against Eau Claire North, who are traditionally pretty tough.  It was a great game, right down to the end, and we won!!  Lisa's daughter Em is a fire twirler, so we got to see her twirl her baton during halftime.  The girls did a great job too.  That's the first time I've gotten to see Em twirl the fire......geez, I remember when she was too little to hold a baton.... *sigh*

Ashlyn was also at the game, and we met up after the halftime performance.  I was going to buy her some Spartan wear for her bday present, but the shop had closed up.  It went something like this.

Me:  Stop texting me Ash, I'm here.
Ash:  Hi Auntie, they're closed.  Oh, these are my friends.
Me:  (feeling really old) Hi Girls
Ash: stares at me, probably waiting for me to do something embarrassing
Me:  Is it uncool to hug your Aunt?
Ash: No! (big hug)  I love you.
Me: I love you
Ash: Shows me the I love you sign.
Me: Show it back as I walk away.   Then I couldn't resist.  I LOVE YOU!  DON'T TALK TO BOYS!

It was a fun night.  A nostalgic night.  Looking out over the field as the sun set, watching the lights come on down Belknap.  A big bright half moon over the scoreboard.  How many junior and senior high nights did I sit cheering in those stands?  Listening to the band, and the dude on the p.a. announcing everything.  The crappy speakers for the halftime music, that are probably the same crappy speakers that they had back in "my day".  Hearing the sound of hundreds of feet stomping on those metal bleachers, and feeling them shake underneath me.  Oh, and watching the younger kids play football in the field behind the end zone.  They are the kids of the kids who were doing that when I was watching as a teen!

 I don't usually go to Spartan games, they bring back too many memories of times gone by, and of someone lost to me forever.  I rarely talk about him, and I've never blogged about him.  It's too overwhelming for me to dwell on or deal with most of the time.  Coincidentally he died on Labor Day, which is in a few days, so it probably stung a little more than it would have otherwise.  I saw the jersey 24, and for the last two quarters of the game, I allowed myself to remember, to embrace it, and give thanks for it.  Like Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.

To Friday Night Lights, to young love, and to you Wally.  HSA  I miss you. ♥

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