Life Lessons


Friday, September 9, 2011

Hamstrings and Salmon

TGIF!  This Friday will be starting off with Happy Hour as usual, (at Keyport) but then things are going to go a little more low key.  First of all I pulled my right hamstring, and on occasion it hurts like an s.o.b.  I almost said s.o.b. when I went to sit on the floor with the kids at nap time.  The son part came out, then I clamped my mouth shut.  The spiderman ice pack came in handy!  Lisa wanted to go to the Spartan game again, but I just don't think I can manage sitting on the bleachers.  Ouch!  Beautiful night for it though, and  this is probably our last summer weekend if the long range forecast is to be believed.  That little weather man who irritates me said the "s" word a few days ago.  Someone should arrest him, it isn't even the middle of September!

That's right, it isn't the middle of the month.  Today is September ninth.  My Mother in Law would have been ninety-one today.  After an hour or so out on the deck at Keyport I'm going to head a block over and have salmon on the grill with Steve.  I didn't feel right leaving him to his own devices today.  I've been down this road.......more times than I wish to dwell on, and I know how hard all of the "firsts" are.  We would usually have Ruth over for a birthday bbq, because for some reason her birthday was always hot as hell. One year it even hit 100.  Today it's in the 80's.  She would request spice cake for dessert, but that's not happening tonight.  She's really the only one who was partial to it.  I can eat a piece, but that's it.  Steve would always complain because it wasn't chocolate.  When it's your birthday, YOU get to pick the dessert.  Thems the rules around my castle.

So we'll get together to celebrate her life, instead of mourning her loss.  Although we do that too.  I still have a very little bit of the lemon sherbet that I bought for Ruth and I to share a few days before she passed away.  I just can't bring myself to toss it out yet.  That's not usually how I operate, although  I'm not psycho like my own mother, she cleared the house of all Dad's things before he was in the ground.  When I moved out you would never have known I spent seventeen years in that house.  Steve's family is the opposite.  We were cleaning out both his Dad's and Mom's things because Ruth couldn't bear to part with them, even ten years later.  I think I fall somewhere in the middle.  It needs to be done, and I handle it in a timely manner.  Although, I must say, when I end a relationship everything goes so that I don't have to look at it.  I have a treasure box where I allow myself to hold on to ONE thing.  It's an odd collection.  There's a sweatshirt string, a quarter, a bolt, some art,  but I know who they belonged to and why they are there.

My home though is filled with things passed down to me by the women in my family who are no longer here.  Mostly prior to their deaths, and I treasure, and use every piece.  Including a decorative pillow of Ruth's that I snagged for my bed, and a basket of flowers she had that I always liked.  It sits proudly on my living room end table.  My brothers found my Grandma's cane and gave it to me as a gag gift for Christmas a couple of years back.  I loved it!  I have it displayed, and Caitlin always plays with it (she's odd) when she's here, which I allow.  Things are meant to be used and loved.  Another thing taught to me by those same women.  When the kids are here nothing is off limits if they are gentle.  So far everything has remained in one piece.  Although I did freak out when Caitlin started monkeying with the cat toys I have placed with Misty and Pepper's ashes........

Wow did this blog ramble off into territory I hadn't planned on.  Well, that's the way of it with me, especially in September.   Enjoy your Friday night!  I plan to.  Drinks with friends, then a great salmon dinner not cooked by me!  Even if I have to sit on an ice pack......

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