Life Lessons


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When September Ends

This is one of those therapy blogs where I just have some stuff festering that I need to get rid of. 

I love the song by Green Day, "Wake Me Up When September Ends".  I'm listening to it as I write this in fact, so feel free to hum along.  I mentioned in a former blog that this is my favorite time of year, but that really only goes to about mid month.  It's more about the weather and the changing seasons because actually it's a tough time of year for me. 

I find that most men I know have a time of year where they should just disappear for a week or two.  It would be kinder to the rest of the world, especially those of us trapped in a relationship with them. :)  Women tend to deal with these things better, it isn't a slam on men, it's just the way it is.  It's what we do.  We roll with it, move on, we deal.  Those around us don't suffer for what we've lost in life. We take a moment here and there to remember, but we live our lives, and if I didn't tell you, you would never, ever know.

September is always difficult.  On one hand I love the changing seasons, I love how excited the little ones are at the beginning of 4K.  They are the big kids now!  Starting the new year of pre-school, my own nieces and nephews sports things, annual rummage sale, the crisp in the air, waiting for the leaves to turn.  On the other hand, and it's a big other hand, This month holds my parents wedding anniversary, ( It's an odd time to miss them so much, but I'm odd.) Wally's birthday, and the day that he died.  The middle of September was when my life began a downward spiral last year, leaving carnage through December.  It's hard for me to look back at where I was a year ago. I sort of see myself as walking along with a puzzled look, feeling that something isn't quite right,  just about to unknowingly step off of a cliff.

I have ten days to go in September.  I don't do a countdown, but I know this because my birthday also happens to be the last day of September.  I'm not one of those women who dreads their birthday, or lies about their age.  I have lived the heck out of most of my forty-one years on this earth.  Good, bad, and in between.  I can not wait to leave forty-one in the past.  There have been moments, but it has not been kind for the most part.  Forty two just has to be better.  Pretty please?  *sigh*

Ten days to go.  Why I think it will make anything better I don't know, but for some reason I do.  It's kind of like New Years I guess.  Shrug off the old and start anew.   I've done a lot of growing in the past few months, and while I'm still not where I'd like to be with one thing in particular (banging head on the desk), I definitely feel better.

 ♫ As my memory rests, but never forgets what I lost, wake me up, when September ends. ♫

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