Life Lessons


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pass the Soap

My Mom was a big soap opera fan.  She and my Aunt Pat would watch, and discuss "The Guiding Light" just about every day.  Mom also watched "As the World Turns", so I grew up watching both of them.  Somewhere in my pre-teen years I picked up "Young and the Restless" and then "Bold and the Beautiful" when it came along.  Of course, I've always been a full time working girl, so no time to watch the soaps, unless I was home sick.  Fortunately you can catch them once every few months and still be current.

 A few years back I would be stuck watching "All My Children" during my break at work.  Traci would always get to the tv before me, so I would make endless fun of the characters......... until Dr. David Hayward appeared!

Now, I am no fan of the character and his evil ways, but for pete sake, HE IS LUJACK! They killed him off of "Guiding Light" years before, and I sobbed my heart out.  I couldn't believe it, there he was, waltzing into my lunch break!  So I started paying attention.  Then they gave him a family......... and Leo came along.  (Josh Duhamel...... Fergie's husband for those of you who live under a rock.......or maybe you know him from the Transformer movies.) Of course they killed him off, but somehow he returned for the finale.  I'll have to ask some friends about how all that came to be.

Here he is!  A gal I work with, April, took the afternoon off on Friday to watch the last episode with her Mom.  We gave her a hard time about it, but it's sweet.  She said the episode wasn't very good, and I'm not surprised.  I caught the show right after I heard they were canceling it, and I could see why!  The writing was really awful, and more of the same recycled plot lines.  I wonder how many times Zach was missing over the years and declaired dead?

Anyway, when I checked my facebook on my phone after work I had this picture and a message from April to have a good weekend.  I was so surprised I almost dropped the phone, and I'm sure a teenage shriek escaped out of my mouth before I could stop it.  Kind of like when I saw George Clooney on the cover of Parade in the Sunday paper this morning.........  ahhh, George.....

Off topic again.  Anyway, the point is that it's sad.  When "The Guiding Light" ended last year I felt the loss of my Mom all over again.  It was something we watched together and shared.  "All My Children" didn't sting as much, but I will miss catching up with them when I happen to be home.  For a couple of years I did have Soap Net, and would watch a few evenings a week.  I wonder where Doctor David Hayward  (LUJACK) will end up next?  Vincent Irizzary, I had to think hard, but I believe that's his name.  Tall, dark, twisted, and handsome.  Right up my alley!  Hmmm....I see that he's on facebook...... I feel a new "like" coming up! 



  1. My grandma loved AMC! I thought about her a lot on Friday. I wondered whether or not soap operas go to heaven.

  2. Well, this one went to the that might be the opposite of heaven. :)
