Life Lessons


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Goovers on Ice

I wish I had brought the camera, but I was afraid that because I was on skates I'd fall on it and smash it to bits. Make no mistake, I can skate, and skate well, but when there are children on ice you never know what's going to happen! Hannah is definitely ready for a pair of skates. When she learns then I can take on teaching Tater the Terror. I don't know how many times that child clunked her head on the ice. They were supposed to be boot skating, but of course she was boot running.

We left the house around 4pm and right as we're heading out the door Caitlin has to go potty. I help her undo the jacket, snow pants, mitts, and send her off with a "You had better make sure you go because we are NOT fooling around with the porta potty at the rink." I look at her sister with a questioning glance. "No Auntie, I don't have to go."

I think this is going to be a three part blog, because there are two other stories that run along side this, and I can't tell it all in one shot. We'll focus on the goovs for now.

So we arrive at the rink and head on into the warming house. The goovers are warned to park it on the bench, no running wild, and they do. Ash and I quickly lace up, the reason why will be in my next blog. Yes, of course, my "creeper" was there. We head on out to the very poorly laid ice, and begin our ice/boot skating adventure!

The girls all seemed to have a good time, although we were back in this house by 5pm. We skated about five minutes when Tater spied the porta potty. "Auntie, I have to go potty really bad!" "No you don't. You just went." Two seconds later. "I really have to go potty NOW!" "Caitlin Ruthmarie, you just want to get a look at the porta potty. You aren't fooling me at all." Five seconds later "Please, I'm going to pee my pants." So I stomped off to the porta potty, as much as you can stomp on ice skates, undid the jacket, snagged the mitts as they fell toward the porta potty floor. EW! Helped her up and shut the door. I made her take her jacket off, it's just too gross to contemplate and it wasn't that cold. When she was done I took her out of the potty to redress her. Evil little....

So we stumble bumble back onto the ice and Tater sees a little boy she knows, so off she goes to torment him for awhile and the rest of us skate. Hannah seemed to do really well balancing on the ice, and it's time she got some new skates and really learned a couple of things. During this time I am continually calling Tater back to us, she's heading off to the shack, the hockey rink, anywhere else she can possibly go.

We took a pic and sent it off to the parents in sunny Las Vegas, and then Caitlin's little friend left. "I wanna go home. I'm tired. I wanna go home. I'm tired." Bah! So we packed it up. When we got to the car Ash and I were talking with Hannah, and Caitlin walked around the other side to get in. Then instead of getting in she sat down hiding. I about had a heart attack when she was suddenly "gone." We were standing not 10 feet from the highway. I raced around the car and there she is grinning at me. She is SO lucky that I am trained not to beat children. I barked at Ashlyn to "Get your sister buckled in." and quickly went to the other side to help Hannah. Caitlin was quiet for awhile, she's no dummy. :)

After a brief stop for milk at the gas station we were back home. It's raining now, so there will be no more outdoor adventures with the goovers. We will be trapped in the house for a couple days. HELP!

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