Life Lessons


Friday, December 17, 2010

New Begining!

Free at last, free at last! The YMCA can........ you follow the general train of thought.

You, dear readers, are reading the blog of the newest member of the University Child Care team!! I will be teaching preschool again. My own class, my own lessons, my own assistant, MINE, MINE, MINE! I have been so excited, and I've had to keep it mostly to myself for SEVEN weeks. Do you have any idea how hard that was to do? For the first three weeks only my sister, the teacher I work with, and "Missy Christy" at work knew about it. She and I have been helping each other make some decisions about where our work lives should go. Incidentally, she and one assistant also gave notice this week. While not planned that way, it is a good shot of Karma for sure.

In 2000 I took over the lead preschool teaching position at the Y, and it is by far my favorite age to work with. I loved teaching the kids new things and watching them grow. Five years later, the district brought in 4K, pushing me to an assistant position in the room in the morning, and then taking over when 4K left off. I would "teach" when they weren't in session, and during the summer. I lived for the summer. I have a lot of comments about 4K in general, and about some of the teaching styles, skills, of the teachers (8) who came through our program. I'm going to choose to keep them out of here. If you know me, you KNOW. :) 4K has it's own room at UCC, I will have the 3's and the 4 and 5 year olds when they aren't in 4K.

This past summer we learned that the daycare was facing eviction from the college because they are expanding their dorms. Then in the fall for a time I got stuck with the two year olds. UGH! I have little faith that the Y will bother to open another center, so the job hunt began. I had a few nanny opportunities, and then this little gem fell into my lap. When I first contemplated it, and tried to decide which road to take I woke in the middle of the night because I was so excited at the possibility of teaching full time again, my own class, my own lesson plans, my own room. I knew right then what I really wanted to do when I grew up.

I have worked for the YMCA for 22 years. *minus 6 month sanity break in '99* I have worked with every age group, including latchkey. I also spent two summers as the Day Camp director. It has been an interesting ride, and I will miss the kids I am currently hanging out with everyday, but it is more than time to move on. It's going to be great looking forward to going to work each morning!

My last official day is Dec 31. I will start the new year at UCC! My technical last day is Tuesday December 28. I only have four more actual work days to go!!!!!!!