Life Lessons


Saturday, December 11, 2010


~Misty June 25, 1993 - December 8 2010

I was planning out a blog, using this very picture. It was going to be a funny piece about how I am becoming a "crazy cat lady". Living alone with the cat who could never leave my side we had some great conversations that usually ended with me saying "Right Misty?" and answering myself with a laugh, "Right Mama."

I thought she would be sucked to my side forever, I at least thought she'd drive me crazy for a few more years. I couldn't have been more wrong. I came home Wed night to a very sick cat. We rushed her over to the emergency vet, and found out that she was in kidney failure. Apparently she must have been sick for some time, although she never honestly showed any sign of it. Kate was here for some time last Sat night, I asked her if she thought Misty acted sick, but she didn't notice anything either. I guess the only thing I've noticed since Pepper died was that she was on me ALL the time, and most of it she slept. THAT was different. Cats are supposed to sleep a lot, but that fireball seemingly just cat napped so she could keep her eye on things. I thought she was sleeping more because she was depressed.

As I told the vet to put her to sleep, with tears streaming down my face, he made a comment about admiring my quiet strength. All I could envision was tearing that room apart and screaming loud enough to bring down the heavens. Throwing the biggest temper tantrum anyone had ever seen.

The house is too quiet, even though I've only spent two nights alone. Leon kindly loaned me Sam for a few days to help me cope. My home just feels like an empty house. Sam is my peace, but she isn't mine, I can't keep her. It helps though.

So I have lost my "Mistydoodle". She was a loving cat, very much Mama's owner in her mind, a lap cat, a very very naughty cat, and a horrible shedder. For the first two years of her life I had to put the garbage can in the den at night or over it would go. I'd be in bed two minutes and "thump". She was the queen of rebel poop, and she placed her bombs very carefully. Usually somewhere my x husband would stumble into them. :) I had a hard time being too harsh about that........

While they ran tests at the vet I had a good twenty minutes to hold her, all wrapped up in a towel like a baby. She dozed, and we talked of many things. I told her how much I loved her, and how much I would miss her, but that she could go and play with her brother now. I'm sure he was glad to see her.

Good bye my little peanut. My lap is so empty without you. Til we meet again.

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