Life Lessons


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gotta Dance!

If you were in the SCCU drive up at 12:20 today, yes..... the crazy lady in the black Mitsubishi Eclipse might have been me. I have talked about music before, and I have mentioned that the best crazy dance your ass off song for me is "The Boys Are Back" by Thin Lizzie. Well, what am I supposed to do when that song comes on in the car, just as I'm sending my deposit through????

First I cranked it up, had the window open and it isn't too bad out today. Then I started tapping my foot. Uh oh. Furtive look to the left, no, I don't recognize anyone. Glance over my shoulder to the right, no familiar faces. Slight head nod to the beat as I'm waiting for my slip to come back. Oh please hurry up!! I know that forces I can not control are going to cause me to make a spectacle of myself. I'm tapping the drums on the wheel, nodding my head a little stronger, and I start singing, when I hear the "Have a nice day" and a chuckle..... OH, the security camera! Must drive away quickly before the awesome drums start!

So I crank it up some more and head toward home, slapping out drums on the wheel as I go, head flinging around crazily (I have realized I have a pony tail in, and that is excellent for whipping around when you're dancing like a nut.) The look I got from the twenty something crabby faced gal at the corner by my house was priceless. Lighten up sweetheart, you've got a LONG way to go. Plus, flipping the bird to the music toward a neighbors house who will remain nameless, but is a former employer...... well, that was just bonus points.

I love the way that song makes me feel. ALIVE! ♫Guess who just got back today♫

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