Life Lessons


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pass the Catch Up!

What a great lunch! We visited for two hours, and didn't' even begin to cover catching up! That's the way it goes when old friends sit down, time just seems to melt away. The same thing happened when I went out to dinner with Nancy last spring. When you don't see someone for 20 plus years there's a LOT to cover, and that time it was four hours that slipped away!

Shannon and I talked about the twenty *gulp* five year reunion that will come around in 2012. Heck, maybe we'll all be dead and I wont have to worry about "to go or not to go". I really should go...... *sigh*. We'll cover that epic battle many times before the day arrives I'm sure. I love catching up with people, but I want the real deal. I hate the fake crap. Then there's the bigger matter, Wally will not be there. People will bring it up, they are bound to. It's still as tough today as it was 12 years ago for me to talk about.

Today got very real for me, because like I said last night, Shannon and I have been many things over many years, but she's the only one who "gets it." It did something for me though, feeling a bit of those things again, and spending time with someone besides family who has known me my entire life. It has reminded me that my life as a whole is so much bigger than the last three months. I have the music is on tonight, and I think we have the first shades of acceptance appearing. I don't expect it to last very long, I know it will ebb and flow, but it's the first time I've felt it since the beginning of October. Maybe that light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train after all.

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