Life Lessons


Friday, February 11, 2011

A Tale of Two Sisters (part 2)

When we were seven Shannon had a baby sister. I was so jealous, but then through some twist of fate my Mom went back to working nights as the church secretary, and babysat Sara during the day! I had nothing to be jealous of anymore because we had a new baby to play with and love for about two hours every day after school. We knew all about babies by the time our youngest brother came along two years later. My Mom watched Sara during the school year until she was about six. I hated letting her go to Colleen and Shannon during the summer. I just KNEW they didn't love her like we did. She'd sneak over all the time and my Mom would send her back over to her sisters. I wanted to steal her away and keep her forever.

Sara was always called Saralynn by my Mom. She was hell on wheels at home. We heard stories then, her family would tell you now. She was an evil child. Climbing cupboards to get into medicine, etc, etc, etc. Sara honestly was good as gold at our house. She listened to my Mom and never, EVER, got into anything. I think that Jerry, Katie, and I just loved playing with her so much, and then she had David to be a "big sister" to, so she didn't have time to cause trouble. Plus my Mom was one tough broad when it came to behavior.

Growing up across the alley, and attending the same church down the block I did have the chance to watch Sara grow up. I remember being teary eyed at her wedding, and I definitely will never forget attending her baby shower shortly after Mom died. I had to give her the gifts that Mom made for Paige. That was one of life's tougher moments, and I did wait until after the shower was over to find her and give them to her. Mom was so excited about that baby! I have tears now just writing this.

So tomorrow I get to have lunch with my littlest sister. We have a girl scout cookie/check exchange to make, and Sara thought it would be nice to get together. I wholeheartedly agree. It has been too long since we had a face to face chat. Facebook has eased that gap some, which I once again am thankful for! Our respective sisters will join us, and it should be a good time!

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