Life Lessons


Sunday, March 6, 2011


Religion and politics are usually too hot a topic for me to blog about. However, in this realm I am the Queen. If you are a republican, be warned, I am not. I would like Mr. Governor Scott Walker (who thinks he's some sort of King) to step into my castle for a discussion on...... oh, I don't know, insanity? SHAME on him. Regardless of your party affiliation this is NOT democracy. It's democrazy! Ha, I just made up that word because of a typo, but it fits.

Yes, we in Wisconsin voted him into office. Ok, I shouldn't say we, because I did not vote. I was totally apathetic. "Oh who cares. I don't know either of them, what will it matter?" Well, I can tell you. I will never NOT vote again. I will cast my vote for the democrat of the day, whoever they may be, after this stunt!

We have a mayoral race here in the great city of Superior. I didn't vote in the primary, because I could not stomach any of the four candidates. I knew who would win anyway, and they did. Now I'm irritated because I have to chose between "Old School Politics" and someone even I think is a little too "out there". I guess my vote will have to be used as a vote against someone, rather than a vote FOR someone, cause old school just doesn't float my boat. I hate voting that way. I like being passionate about a candidate, and the issues. I still haven't gotten over the fact that Hillary isn't in office. I actually had a tear when I walked away from voting for Obama for President, because it wasn't Hillary.

I'm proud to be a democrat, I was raised in a very Catholic ( don't worry, I'm not going to touch that with a ten foot pole) yet VERY democratic household. Yes, I have told the family secret. My Catholic parents voted Democrat. They were not "one issue" voters, and could see the bigger picture. I'll out my sister too. She's a democrat, yes, yes she is. My youngest brother is the definition of apathy, I don't know if he even votes. Somehow my brother Jerry has turned into a "right wing nut", but we still talk to him. :) I love debating with him, it's awesome! If I remember the story correctly, my Grandpa Meys was very involved with bringing the union to the workers of the city of Superior. I'll have to ask my Uncle Bill about that one.

My Mother and President Reagan had birthdays one day apart. My Mother and President Reagan died on the same day. Several times during funeral planning, and even at the dinner after her funeral the Priest mentioned that "Ruth was surely setting up shop in heaven as Reagan's secretary." It gave me a few chuckles during a very hard time. It is totally by the grace of God that I kept my mouth shut. "Only if they are both in hell Fr. Dean. Only if they are both in hell." I would just roll my eyes at my sister and paste on my best "Ruthie" smile.

Democrazy! This bill does not really affect me. I do know a lot of really good teachers that it will affect. I have four nieces in this school district that it could very well affect. (tafkap goes to Cathedral) If you want to make cuts Mr. Walker, why don't you start in your own back yard?? Leave the people who work so hard, for not a whole lot of money really, alone. Watching him on the news makes me ill. He reminds me of the four year olds in my class when they aren't getting their way and are whining about it. So I will tell him what I tell them. "Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket." "If you get a number 1, you lose your job." ha!


  1. I hope that someday we will get to vote for Hilary!

  2. You and me both, but I think that time has passed. It's a shame, because even the Middle Aged Republicans club admits she would have been the better choice this go round.
