Life Lessons


Friday, March 25, 2011

BO BICE..... and .38 Special

Wow! I'll start by saying .38 Special ROCKED!! Bo was up first, and I didn't think things could get much better for me, but then I sang my heart out and danced for the next hour or so! This picture of Bo was taken by my sister, off of the jumbo tron, from our assigned seats. I will have much better ones from the seat I assigned myself!

Ok, so this is how it went. At 5 pm Kate picked me up and we headed off to Black Bear Casino to meet Vicki for dinner. I am required to tell you that Vicki won $110 at the casino! She's that person who could flip a quarter into a random machine on their way out of a casino and win fifty bucks, and I hate her, but she did kindly offer to buy me a Bo Bice tshirt with some of her winnings. However, the one I wanted only came in S and M. SERIOUSLY??? Do you think these things on the front of me can fit into a M???? *big sigh and a swear word* I would later regret the decision not to buy the other one, as I chose to wear a sweater to the concert. Not a good idea. The 2 inch heel boots were also not a good idea, but they didn't slow my dancing down any!

We had decent seats, but it is all floor seating..... and I don't know if you've noticed, but I am only five feet tall. Of course, right before it starts the required gentleman who is well over 6ft tall sits in the row ahead of me, right in my sight line. Happens every time. It's ok though, because we were in row 10 section C. Right behind us was a walkway. All I had to do was push my chair back and I would be as free as a bird. I didn't even make it through the first song before I snatched Kate's phone and hit the road!

Now I was raised to follow the rules. Going against that is still very difficult for me, but apparently when BO is involved the rules go out the window! I walked right up to the second row, middle section and sat in the unoccupied end seat. I thought I'd get a few pics, but I ended up staying there for most of the concert! I thought, well.....if someone asks me to move, I'll move. Otherwise, here I am! So I am roughly 10 feet from the stage. I take pics and sing, sing, sing, with Bo. I am in heaven. Bo Bice stood in front of me singing, and I sang along. He looked at me and smiled and we sang together. ♫ It's the real thing ♫ He has the bluest eyes that I have ever seen on another human being, and in that moment on earth it was me and Bo. *sigh*

Now during this time I was bumping and jostling my sisters phone. There are a few pics of my leg, and my elbow, and of nothing. It turned itself off at one point and I scooted back to Vicki and Kate to set it right again. Vicki said to me, "I was just asking Kate what you needed US for?" I grinned and said "The ride." :) Then I said "This is awesome! My life sucks rocks, can I just have THIS?" and we laughed as I took off down the aisle again.

I returned to "my" seat in row two, but other people were going right up to the stage to take pics, so I slid up front, and noticed two seats center stage....unoccupied. Do I dare?? Yep, I did. So I sat front row center and sang with Bo. Then people started standing along the stage...... so I got up and joined them. Right then Bo put on his guitar, and I stood CENTER STAGE UNDER HIS MIKE, NOT FOUR FEET FROM HIM while he sang the last two songs!!!!! I could see a sweat bead trickle down his neck, and I know what the hair on Bo Bice's right knee looks like! He also had tennis shoes on, no laces. Oh, and for you Bo hair fans out there, he cut it. It's now shoulder length and has some curl to the ends. Absolutely fabulous!!

Another gal slid in next to me and we talked for a second about how awesome it was. Then a few minutes later she asked if I was from Superior. I said yes, and she said 1987? I said yes.... Who are you? :) It was Lori Erickson. Haven't seen her since graduation.

Then it was over. Bo was gone. The moment he smiled at me as we sang together was forgotten for him right after it happened I'm sure, but it will stay with me forever!! I ran back to Vicki and Kate to discuss and go through the pictures I took while we waited for .38 special to start. I had forgotten that I know so many of their songs and they put on a great show! The audience tonight was really weird though. They mostly sat, until almost the end of the concert. Hardly anyone danced or sang. I owe the tall man an apology I suppose. I stood up behind him and probably sang his ears off. Well, it was the only way I could see, and I wanted to dance, and I just have to sing, it's the law. *shrug* At least I can carry a tune? Sorry buddy.

As soon as I figure out the email on my sister's phone I'll post the close up pic. I have one on my phone, but it is a dinosaur w/o capabilities! Alright, time to let Sam out once more before bed. She and the Milkster are sound asleep, which is where I need to be!

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