Life Lessons


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


People love to ask me the nosy question, "Why don't you have any kids?" My standard answer? "I've never met the man I wanted to share joint custody with." This is only partially a joke. I could not see myself willingly letting a child go off with any of the men I've been in a relationship with. I don't know if that's an issue with me being controlling and overly protective, or a commentary on the quality of the men I've dated. *shrug* Perhaps a little of both in some cases.

I have my own little version of joint custody going on with Sam the dog. I haven't seen her since Super Bowl Sunday, and I get lonely for her from time to time. Leon says I can have her whenever I want, so I exercised my custody rights and picked her up last night. She was out in the yard when I pulled up, and she looked so surprised! She was so happy that she even ran a little bit when I came running up the driveway to her. Running for Sam Sam is a BIG deal. Her get up and go has definitely got up and went. We hugged and went inside for dinner. Bistro something or another for her, homemade chili for me!

Now Sam can be particular when it comes time to stay or go. Sometimes she goes running home with Leon, sometimes she refuses to go. We let her choose, because really, what does it matter? She has never refused to come home with me when I've gone out to the country, but there could always be a first time I suppose, so I brought her nail clippers with me, just in case she didn't want to come. I'm always the one who gets the fun jobs. Nails, brushing, ear medicine, etc. After I finished my dinner I went to my purse and said, "I have something for you!" She thumped her tail excitedly exactly twice. Then it went dead, because she saw what I had in my hand. She still loves me though (she doesn't know we aren't finished clipping) and did decide she wanted to "go for a ride."

It did my heart good to see her so happily marching behind me out to my car. She sat so proud and tall in the back seat, excited to go for a ride, and the only place we go together is my house or hers, so she knew we were going home. Home to Ms. Milkie, who did not appear too thrilled to see Samantha darkening her doorstep again. Sam wasn't amused either. Some days they barely tolerate each other, but no matter what they are still company for the other. Sam kind of liked coming here to escape from the Milkster, and the look of betrayal on her face when Milkie came to live with me was priceless. She still loves me though, because she's a dog, not a cat, and I'm her Mama. :)

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